Chapter 6 - Lunch Break

Start from the beginning

“Wait, wait. Hold on. C’mon Elli, you know I need to ask her some questions for the blog.”

She sighed. “Well that’s not my decision to make.” As if on cue, they both looked at me questioningly. I glanced at them first before sighing.


“Do you mind if I go on ahead and get food Luce? So when you’re done we can directly eat. I can get your food. Just tell me what you’ll eat.” She smiled.

“No, I don’t mind. That sounds pretty good to me. And I’ll have a sandwich and milk and nuggets and some tots. Oh! And also, can you get me something sweet? If possible, something with chocolate?” I grinned at her.

“Sandwich, milk, nuggets, tots and chocolate coming right up!” She walked passes Mike to get our food. As soon as she was gone I faced Mike.

“Shoot. And make it quick.”

“Great!” he hastily pulled out a folded paper in his pocket and opened it clumsily while holding out the recorder to me again. “Is it true that you’re a bully?”

Where the hell did he get that?

“I wouldn’t say that. I only do what I have to do with people who mess with me. I don’t interfere with others.”

He nodded and proceeded. “How do you like your first day so far?”

“Lunch, Josh and Elli are the good things that happened to me so far.”

“Speaking of Josh, what is your relationship with him?”

I quirked my eyebrow up at his question. “Uhm...Friends? I guess. ”

And the questions kept coming for about 10 minutes. It was that long and I said make it quick. His questions composed of some stuff about me and some confirmation about what I was in my former town. How he got that information about me? I have no idea.

“Are we done? How long is your list actually? I’m starving.” I huffed, complaining.

“Wait. Just one more question.” He peeked at the paper he was holding and read. “Did you and Drake Stiller ever had a secret relationship in the past? A hook up? Boyfriend-Girlfriend? Anything?”

“Excuse me? Who? What?”

“Drake Stiller. You know, the one you kissed this morning? Did you have some sort of relationsh-“  I didn’t let him finish what he was about to say.

“Hold up right there Mikey” I said slowly raising my forefinger up, a gesture that means stop talking because it wasn’t getting pretty. “You know, Elli’s right. You do need to get your facts straight because first of all, I did not kiss that douche bag this morning or even kissed anybody at all. Second, where the fuck did you get so much information about me which by the way are not entirely real? And to answer your stupid question, no, I just met the guy and no I will not have any sort of relationship even if I met him now. Who’s been feeding you bullshit anyway? ” Mike’s eyes were wide about my outburst. I almost felt sorry for the guy. I mean he was just asking questions. I just don’t want some twisted story about me circling around school especially on my first day. But I guess I can’t help it. People just can’t have enough to talk about that they add some false stuff in it.

“But he said-“ he started but then I cut him off again.

“You know what? Don’t answer that. Just nevermind.” I don’t wanna kick someone’s ass on my first day. “We’re done here right?” he nodded his answer “Alright. Have a good day.” and with that I moved passed him and searched where Elli was. I saw her on the table with the cheer that waved at us earlier. They were sitting beside each other, talking casually. I raised my brow at them whilst walking towards their table. I mean Elli’s a geek - or at least she looks like it - , she’s like at the bottom of the school food chain and the cheer is well, a cheer, she’s the opposite of the bottom.

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