Dressing Room

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Jungkook, arguably, was the hardest to get up in the morning. It was a habit that he had never been able to shake. He point blank refused to get up in the morning, and needed at least half an hour to actually wake up. And he had no problem waking up earlier to do this, but the problem was where he would just shut off his alarm and go back to bed.

It was a bad habit indeed, but in Jungkook's defense, his bed was warm and comfortable, so pro's vs cons I guess.

However, with the consensual decision his hyung's made to make him go to bed earlier and get him up the half hour early, and actually forcing him out of bed did nothing to make him less tired. As a result of this Jungkook was tired™. So he needed to solve the problem.

And he did.

With naps.

Lots and lots of naps.

Unfortunately for Jungkook and his naps, his day schedule was far too busy to carve out and hour to go home, change, take a nap, change again, and go back to the studio. So he improvised, and by improvised, he meant he could and would drop onto anything and everything, completely asleep if it held still long enough.

Was it the best solution? No. But that was future Jungkook's problem.

Now if you excuse Jungkook, he found a nice piece of floor that looked comfortable enough to nap upon.

Namjoon was a bit concerned, he currently couldn't find the maknae of the group, Jungkook, he suddenly disappeared without any of their knowledge right behind their backs. He was concerned because it has been a long time since Jungkook has randomly disappeared on them, and when Jungkook disappears randomly, it is complete radio silence, and no one can find him.

Now don't get Namjoon wrong, he absolutely adored Jungkook, his maknae was adorable in practically every way possible, but when he starts disappearing with no one knowing where he is, Namjoon starts to feel worried. Was there something wrong? Did he not notice something? Are you upset? And many other questions, all of which would most likely remain unanswered.

Because the rest of them couldn't practice the new choreography without Jungkook, Namjoon asked the rest of the group to help find their youngest maknae

And so the search for the nam-dongsaeng begins, everyone was given places to search, Yoongi would search the studios, Tae and Jimin would search the halls and offices, Hoseok would Check the bathrooms, and the makeup rooms (Jungkook likes talking to the stylists), and Seokjin would ask around to see if anyone has seen Jungkook. And that left Namjoon with the task of checking the dressing rooms.

So far Yoongi had checked 5 out of the 10 studios in the current BigHit building they were rehearsing at. And Yoongi was seriously doubting that Jungkook was in there. However, once Yoongi was done searching for Jungkook, he was going to have a word with whoever built this building and thought it was a great idea to put only one studio on every floor, Yoongi was not looking forward to going down 5 more flights of stairs.

Tae and Jimin were racing down the halls as fast as they could go. Jimin suddenly slammed his hands against the walls stopping his momentum completely,

"I win!" was the victorious screech heard by Taehyung, who whined.

"Not fair!" Taehyung yelled

"It was too fair!" Jimin retorted











"Ha! Glad you agree, Tae-Tae" Jimin said happily, successfully tricking Taehyung in their little verbal argument

"You're so mean!" Taehyung whined again, before stopping abruptly.

"Wait, weren't we supposed to be doing something?" Taehyung said, causing Jimin to pause in his celebration and also start to think.

"Yeah, but what was it?" Jimin asked

"Didn't Namjoon-hyung tell us to go do something?" Taekook asked

"Yeah, something about looking through the hallways and offices for someone" Jimin said

"JUNGKOOK" "JUNGKOOK" the both of them screeched before taking off, resuming the search.

"Jungkook?" Hoseok said, knocking on the door, "I'm going to come in okay?" Hoseok said calmly before waiting a few seconds and entering. He had a hand over his eyes just incase, and uncovered them a few seconds after waiting, Jungkook wasn't in there, and Hoseok breathed out heavily and went to the next bathroom before trying again. Maybe he was with the Noona's? This was going to take a long time.

Seokjin was asking around to see if anyone had seen Jungkook, he was incredibly confused, just where had the youngest gone? Honestly, it shouldn't be that big of a surprise, the kid has been running these halls since he was 15, he probably knows the layout better then the people who built it. But still, he was asking around for Jungkook, but the results are all the same, Jungkook wasn't in sight, and nobody had seen him.

"Excuse me, have you seen Jungkook anywhere?" he stopped by a secretary and asked,

"No, my apologies Kim-ssi"

Seokjin sighed, this wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

Namjoon sighed, he had checked almost all of the dressing rooms and the only one left was the one that Jungkook was in last. He opened the door, and, it was empty. Namjoon sighed and looked around the dressing room, it was completely intact, and extraordinarily neat. Namjoon honestly didn't expect that from the youngest. Namjoon was about to turn around and leave when his eye focused on a pair of shoes laying messily by the outfits. Namjoon sighed again and went to go pick them up, he expected a little mess so it wasn't unusual really. Namjoon pulled back the clothes so he could put the shoes back only to be greeted by the sleeping face of Jungkook.

Namjoon smiled and had to stifle a snicker. He quickly snapped a photo before sending it to the Bangtan Group Chat, he chuckled and covered Jungkook with a blanket. Maybe a few more minutes of a peaceful Jungkook is what everyone needed, he could get quite energetic sometimes. But what a funny place to fall asleep. And with that Namjoon slowly shut the door, and left Jungkook to his rest.

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