We Meet Again

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You quickly run downstairs to open up the door but when you get there you realize that the person there isn't Luffy or Zoro.

"Oh hey. Your Nami's little sister Y/n right?" You then realize that the person in the door was Sanji so you let him in and yell upstairs to Nami, "HEY YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE NAMI!!!" You yell to her. "Y/N HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND SO SHUT UP, AND TWO WHY DID I GET A TEXT SAYING THIS BOY IS IN ARE DRIVEWAY?!" Nami yells back at you.

You quickly turn around and tell Sanji, "Up the stairs second door on the right, and open up the door Nami should be in there." You tell him. Sanji quickly runs up the stairs to see Nami, so then look out of the door and see Luffy and Zoro getting out of Zoro's car.

Luffy sees you and runs over to you. You open your arms for a hug and he jumps up and continues to hug you. You widen you eyes from the shock from him jumping up and giving you a hug but you end up hugging him back.

Zoro is standing outside of his car door just looking at you two in aw from the hug. Luffy then breaks the hug and says, "I'm so glad to see you again Y/n! Even thought it's only been a couple of hours, to me it felt like a couple of weeks." He smiles

You blush and continue saying, "It's good to see you to Luffy, and it looks like you brought Zoro with you to." You then also smile. "Oh no, my car is getting fixed because a few days ago my got hit by a drunk so it's in the shop right now. Zoro also doesn't trust me driving his car alone so he came along." He says embarrassed that he couldn't drive here himself.

"That makes since. Come on in and if Zoro wants to he can come in to and have a drink we should have some bottled beer in the fridge." You point to the kitchen. Zoro hears you and instantly comes in on the thought of free beer. "Thanks Y/n for the beer." He says giving you a small smile.

"Don't worry about it, but if your going to have more than one you probably shouldn't go home right away." You say in your serious tone. "Wait, I can have more than one?" Zoro has a surprised look on his face. "Yeah it's fine I don't really care if you have more than one. One of my sister's jobs is at a grocery store so she get 40% off of anything she gets. So most of the time she just buys herself and now me some beers to drink."

Zoro then looks at Luffy with a face that says 'You better get with her cause if that happens that means free beers for me forever.' look. You take notice and say, "If your thinking about dating my sister there is a boy upstairs in her room right now who she seems to like a lot." Luffy then laughs at your comment thinking its funny. Zoro is just stand still sipping his beers with a small smile on his face.

"Alright you two love birds go somewhere else. And if you don't mind can I use your tv?"

"Zoro I thought I said I was here to get to know her more not for you to take their beers and use their tv!" Luffy yells at him.

"Don't worry about it Luffy, and yes Zoro go right ahead you may use are tv down here." Your still gigling from Luffy yelling at Zoro.

"Thanks future sister-in-law." Zoro says while laughing at his own joke. Luffy looks down with his face bright red.

"Okay whatever. Come on Luffy lets go to my room and talk. "Yes ma'am." He follows you up the stairs and into your room on the left.

You quickly shut and lock the door just incase Nami decides to see what your up to. "I-I like your dress." Luffy says still looking at the ground still as red as a tomato. "Thank you Luffy, I got it a few days ago." You say smiling at him. He sees your smile and looks up from the ground and smiles at you.

"If you don't mind me asking, when did you get that straw hat I've always seen you wear?" You say hoping he doesn't get mad at you.

"Well I got it when I was just a kid from my uncle who is no longer in the country anymore. It used to be his but on my 6th birthday he gave it to my as a present and since he was leaving the day after my birthday he wanted me to have it just incase anything happens to him while he is away. And ever since that day I have always worn it other than when I shower and sleep, but even then it's next to me so that way I can always remember him." Luffy explains with a soft smile on his face.

"Oh wow, it must have been a long time since you last seen him and I don't think I ever got your age." "Oh yeah, I'm 22 and you?" "Today was my 21st."

"That's nice." He says still smiling.

"If you don't mind could I sit on the bed with you?" Luffy's face then turns bright red.

When you understood what he said, you instantly turn bright red as well. "Um, sure." You say scooting over so he can sit down. "T-thanks." He says all flustered.

When you turn around to see his face, you notice that he looks nervous and you can't figure it out why he is no nervous. But then, Luffy looks right up at your eyes and for a few moments you both stare into each other's eyes, you notice that his eyes are dark brown and while you guys were staring at each other he calms down and he then starts to move his hand.

He brings his hand up and cups your face, smiling. You look at him confused and ask, "What are you doing?"

1039 words

A/n: Hehe ended it up on a cliff hanger for you guys. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day everyone!

Me and You (Modern Day LuffyxReader AU)Where stories live. Discover now