The Car Ride

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Enjoy! :)

"Alright, Nami can you hand me the keys?" You ask.

"Here you go." Nami hands you the keys and you drive off towards your house.

You two sit in silence for most of the time until Nami starts up a conversation, "So. What are you going to tell him when we get home?" She says still a little drunk. "W-what do you mean Nami I do think I follow." "Oh, you know who I'm talking about. ;)" She grins.

"What are you going to say the boy you met earlier," Nami says, but this time with a smile. "One, his name is Luffy. Two, I'm probably going to ask if he even remembers me. And three, I'm going to ask if we could maybe meet up tomorrow to hang out and get to know each other better."

"Sounds like you want to go on a date with him." Nami then starts laughing thinking what she said was the funniest thing on the planet. "Well, what about your new boyfriend?" (I hope you guys understand the reference.) "I don't know I will probably see if he wants to come over tonight so we can talk in person." She sighs.

No one talks for the rest of the car ride home.

-----15 minutes later-----

"Alright, we are home Nami-chan." "Wow, that's a first." She looks at you in disbelief. "What are you talking about?" You look at her confused.

"Y/n you just said my name and then 'chan' I don't believe I've ever heard you say that in my life before," Nami is still looking at you in disbelief. "Well, don't get used to I only did it to see how you would react to me saying it. Or if you would even notice to see if you were still just a little bit drunk, but it turns out that you are sober now." You say shaking your head.

"Okay, you should go text your boyfriend. And don't come in my room I'm going to Sanji now." She yells while slamming her door shut.

You hesitate at first but you listen to her and pull out the piece of paper from your pocket and start to dial the number given to you by Luffy. After about 5 rings the phone picks up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Someone asks but you quickly realize that it's not his voice. "Um hey this is Y/n I met you at the club early and you said to give you a call when I got home."

"Oh hey Y/n this is Zoro, Luffy elder brother. Let me hand him the phone real quick." Zoro says excited. "Hey, Y/n! How are you? Did you get home safe?" Luffy asks. You quickly smile because Luffy remembers who you are and actually cares if you okay or not. "Yeah, I'm fine I got home perfectly fine. There was just a little bit of traffic so I took it a little longer than I expected." You say in a calm voice.

You can hear Zoro in the background teasing Luffy by saying, "Ooo, someone has a little crush on the girl the met!" "Give me a second Y/n. ZORO IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP YOUR HEADS GOING TO BE IN THE WALL!!!" You let out a little giggle on the phone and Luffy seems to hear you because he then quickly goes on mute not realizing he wasn't on mute before.

"Sorry about that my brother can be annoying sometimes especially when I talk to a girl on the phone." He says into the phone. "Don't worry about I have an older sister who is the same way with me." You both let out a small laugh when you finished.

"So I was wondering if maybe you wanted to over or I could come over to your place and talk, or something like that." He says all embarrassed. "Yeah, I would love that Luffy! Here I will text you my address."

"Thanks so much, Y/n I just got and it looks like you live 8 minutes from me so I will be over in about 10 to 15 minutes. See you then!" "Yeah see you then."

Luffy then hangs up, you then walk over to your mirror and see that your whole face is red. 'I should probably change into something new.' You think to yourself. You then see the new dress that you got the other day and decide to put it on.

-----5 minutes later-----

You quickly run down the stairs to open up the door but you quickly realize that the person there isn't Luffy or Zoro.

774 words.

 A/n: CHAPTER 3 FINISHED!!! Sorry but the ending, but I will start working on chapter 4 today and maybe if I feel like it, it may be out be 2 aclock Central or when ever it gets dark outside for me. And sorry for such a short chapter I was kinda lazy and it took me 3 hours to write. Chapter 4 should be at least 800 or more words.

If you guys have any suggestions or names for the next chapter please tell me.

Anyways I hope everyone has a good rest of your day and watch out for chapter 4 sometime today or tomorrow. Byee!!!!!!

Me and You (Modern Day LuffyxReader AU)Where stories live. Discover now