|Chapter |01|

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It was night when she first saw him. Her friends had gifted her a ticket for a boxing fight for her eighteenth birthday. They knew her passion for boxing, so they thought it would be a great birthday gift for her. She was really excited and made sure to thank them a lot of times.

She was bouncing on her steps all day. She couldn't stay put from her enthusiasm. She really wanted to start boxing but her parents were really strict and were afraid that she would get injured really bad. She understood their concern for her health but that didn't make her feel any less sad.

She would find comfort in boxing videos and she would try some moves in her room sometimes but not something crazy since she didn't have a professional to show her the correct way to fight.

She had never attended a live boxing fight. She couldn't wait for the night to come. She knew that her parents wouldn't allow her to go, so she decided to sneak out at night and keep it a secret. She didn't want them to take it away from her.

Her parents were giving her weird looks all day but they blamed it on the fact that she just graduated and didn't have to go to school again since they knew how much she despised school.

It was a quarter before midnight. She opened the widow of her room quietly and jumped. She lived in a first story house and the height wasn't that long. She closed the window before she approached her friends dark blue car, that was parked behind her house.

She got in the car and greeted her friend, Sarah, before they headed to the match. It took them at least twenty minutes to get there and she wouldn't stop talking about how excited she was.

She jumped out of the car as soon as Sarah parked the car. She run to the front door, knowing her friend was right behind her. She gave the tickets to the guy at the entrance with a wide smile. He chuckled at her and nodded his head, signaling her that she could go inside.

She grabbed her friends wrist and dragged her inside, ignoring her curse as she was starting to regret bringing her here. She bought a coca cola to drink and nothing to eat while her friends got a hot dog with some cheeks and a sprite. She rolled her eyes at her and sat on the chair, first row.

She heard her friend munching on her food while she bit her straw anxiously. The was about to start. The only thing she knew about the fighters was that one of them was really known while the other guy was new.

She stared as the lights turned down and the crown cheer loudly as they yelled the new guys name. She looked around to see where they are gonna come out from.

An annoying melody was playing as the guy, who she had never seen, stepped on the ring. He had a smug smile on his face as he sent kisses to the crowd. She rolled her eyes at him.

The music stopped and nothing was heard. The people had quite down and looked around, waiting for the other guy. A woman stepped in the ring and announced the guys name, whose name was Ryan. He bowed to her before he placed a kiss on her hand. She watched as she furiously blushed, making Estelle scrunched her nose in disgust.

The woman smiled before she announced the second guys name. She choked and her eyes widen in shock. Killian King. That was him. He was a very famous fighter. She had heard about how good he was. He was known for his cold attitude and for being ruthless. He showed no mercy when he was in a fight.

Many avoided fighting with him since other had made the wrong choice to mock him and ended up in the hospital with some serious injuries. Estelle couldn't wait to see him in action with her own eyes.

Her mouth hung open as she watched him walk in the ring. He was huge compared to Ryan, who looked like a playmobil beside him. His tall figure towered over the other guy, who she saw visible gulp. She looked at the dragon tattoo on his back before he turned his body to her direction. She almost whistled as her eyes fell on his sharp eight back and slowly raised them up to the black angel wings on his chest.

She sighed as she felt herself getting hot and wondered how she hadn't seen him before. Her eyes finaly decided to settle at his chiseled face. His silk wavy black hair was covering his face and she watched as he grabbed the elastic band from his wrist and tied up his hair in a bun.

Her eyebrows raised in amazement. He definitely was the most attractive man she had even laid her eyes on her whole life. Since, she was sitting close to the ring, she could see his mesmerizing eyes. She gasped as she looked at his silver eyes. It was a really rare color but still beautiful.

She noticed that his nose was crooked and thought it might be from getting it broken a lot of times. Then, her eyes settled on his full lips. They looked really kissable and soft.

Sarah nudged her with her elbow as she noticed her gaping at him. Estelle cough awkwardly and sifter in her seat, taking a sip from her drink to help her cool down, ignoring the weird look she was getting from her friend.

She secretly stole a chip from her friend and giggled evily. She knew how Sarah would react if she caught her. The sound of the bell ringing made her eyes snap back to him. He was looking at Ryan with a cold stare, his sharp jawline showing.

She could see Ryans lips moving but she couldn't hear what they were saying from the loud crowd. She knew it was not a good thing from the smirk on his face. Killian was just watching him, not giving him the reaction he wanted. That's when Ryan bounced and Estelle stared with intensity. It was gonna be bad.


Hey lovelies !! How are y'all doing!! So I decided to write another book. I don't know what's gotten into me and I write the next book after the other.

I really enjoyed though and I hope you do as well! I don't know how long this story might be and it's not gonna be in a medieval time.

I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes and I wanted to thank you once again for all the love and support you guys gave and still do to my other book as well! I really appreciate it! It means a lot to me!

Stay tuned for the next update which will be released soon!

Stay beautiful and don't forget to smile.

Much love <3,

Much love <3,

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