Chapter Twenty-Two: Body Language

Start from the beginning

"You sure?" I asked anyway.

"It's no secret I want more from this friendship, but I'm not going to push you into something you don't want. I'm not that kind of guy. Were you really so turned on last night that you didn't hear me say nothing has to change?"

"No, I heard you. I just thought it was... I don't know... You were caught up in the moment, perhaps just said it to...."

He arched a brow, jaw clenching. "Please don't say what I think you're going to say."

I shrugged. "I gave you mixed signals."

Relaxing, Teddy took a sip of coffee. "Sorry to break it to you, Soph, but your signals haven't been all that mixed. Maybe you thought you were showing a complete lack of interest in anything happening between us, but your body has been saying otherwise these past few weeks."

My guilt eased at that—not just because he seemed fine with me brushing him off, but because I hadn't accidentally inflicted whiplash on him with my changing attitude.

"I am curious about something, though," he said.

"Go on..." I shifted on the mattress, apprehensive.

"The tattoo on your ribcage. What is it?"

Either he had excellent night vision, or he'd caught a glimpse of the ink during my duvet mishap.

"Pura Vida."

"Spanish? Something to do with Costa Rica?"

I failed to suppress my smile. Despite my purpose for getting close to Teddy Stone, he really did listen to me when I told him about my life, and that scored him brownie points.

"Yep. Very few people have seen that tattoo."

"Nine? Ten including me?"

Rolling my eyes, I sipped my coffee. It burned my throat as I swallowed, but the caffeine kick overpowered the pain.

"I'm not sure whether to be flattered or crept out that you remember every little detail I tell you."

"Flattered. Definitely."

"Right. Well, it's more than ten. Obviously Gabby and Becca know about it. And my sister does. Against my better judgement."

"Why against your better judgement?" he asked.

"Because my mum hates tattoos. Like, literally despises them."

"Did your sister tell her or something?"

I sighed. "Long story. But no, she didn't."

Teddy checked his watch, then took a gulp of his coffee. "Tell me on the flight. I'll leave you to get dressed in peace since you no longer want my attention on your body."

Before I'd had chance to dignify that with a response, he let himself out of my room, the heavy door banging shut and amplifying the strange sensation of loneliness brought on by his departure.

It was a relief that Teddy could joke about last night without making things weird. Something had changed, though, no matter how much I insisted it had been a one-off moment of weakness. I'd caved to my attraction, and now he knew it existed.


"Faye has never really liked me."

We'd settled into our usual spots on the plane, and after take-off he'd revisited our earlier conversation, prompting me to recount the time I'd taken Faye to hospital and unsuccessfully tried to appease her by revealing my tattoo.

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