12. Ambiguous Conspicuous

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We were sitting under the huge tree behind the canteen which was incidentally the same tree where Siddharth had snubbed me the first time. I had given him a playful glance as Yug had chosen this spot to settle down in. He looked sufficiently embarrassed so I didn't say anything out loud. 

With a slight breeze, canteen coffees and Shreyas strumming his guitar, it felt perfect. 

"How is practice going? Have you guys settled upon a song?" Yug asked after a while. 

I nodded, "Yeah, it has been fun for me, at least. I have never sung a duet before so I enjoy the novelty. We have a couple of songs in mind but we are working on an original. I don't know if Angad has told you anything about that." 

Angad had his eyes closed and I couldn't tell if he was napping or listening to us since he didn't respond. 

"Yeah, he said something about that. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with." Yug said. 

"Me neither," Siddharth agreed but his tone seemed a little insincere. 

I hadn't brought up the fight he and Angad had had a few days ago. It seemed like a sensitive subject and I did not know how to approach it tactfully. When I had texted Siddharth that night he seemed entirely aloof. I wanted to broach the subject, give him any reassurance, ease his mind but he did not seem interested. Then I figured this was probably for the best. Their issues did not concern me. Their friendship and band predate my involvement with any of them. So I had decided to never involve myself in their matters. 

"How is your group practice moving along? Any progress with my fellow juniors?" I asked trying to steer away.

There were four categories we were preparing for, Solo for both Male and Female voice, Group category with 15-20 singers, the duet Angad and I were singing and finally the band category. 

Since Angad was focusing on the Solo male, duet and obviously Red Wagon's performance, Yug, Shreyas and Siddharth had taken over the group performance. Last I had heard they had way too many society members vying for a spot in this category and these three were having a hard time making picks. 

"We have finally made the cuts that were needed, we will be using the next week to polish up our set and we are hoping for the best. Shreyas is being surprisingly patient with the kids." Siddharth answered and looked over at where Shreyas was laying down with his head in Deepani's lap.

He looked up at his name and gave him a pointed glance.

"Hey, he is very, very patient. He is almost a saint compared to you guys." Deepani defended her boyfriend and threw the twig she was twirling in her hands in Siddharth's direction. Siddharth scoffed and Yug looked at me and shook his head vigorously. 

I laughed.

Things seemed to be progressing swiftly for our Rhapsody. The registrations had been sent in last week and we were pumped for this competition. Virat and Hina had equally high expectations. 

"We have a chance at a perfect season this time. If we compete in all categories and win then that will be a first for Maurya," Hina had said when we informed her of the registration. This was important for them too since this would be an accolade for the KGV party. What role they would play in this I failed to understand but at least they were nice and supportive. And next election season they would be able to list Rhapsody's achievement under their time in power. 

Politics. Bleh. 

My consolation was that they weren't as despotic and unbearable as the YLF goons I met on the Fresher's day. So my motto over here was to choose the lesser evil. 

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