CHAPTER 1 INTO YOU - PART 4: That Flower we both brought

Start from the beginning

My mother asks, "Where are you now, Lichen?"

"Uh, mum," I replied, "I'm still on my way on the bus."

"Glad! You don't need to go home. Instead, go to the bus stop near us, and I'll meet you there,"

"All right, mom!" I said as she hung up the phone. Is she referring to Baron's bus stop?

"What did your mother say?" asks Baron.

"Um, she said to stop at your bus stop," I said.

"My bus stop?" he says, caressing my hair.


"That's great, and I'll meet your mother." He grinned once more.

Then we arrived at our destination, where I saw my mother waiting for me with another woman. Baron assists me in carrying my flower.

Baron was shocked as he shouted, "Grandma! Why are you here? " His expression was concerned.

"Baron, my baby!" said the woman next to my mother, but I became concerned when I realized she was blind.

"Grandma, why didn't you call me before you left?" Baron wondered.

"Don't worry, I'm with my buddy Leah," she explained. But does she mean my mother?

"So you're his kid, and how did you two meet?" My mother said I had no idea my mother's acquaintance was also the Baron's grandmother.

"Oh, Leah, this is my son Baron, the one I told you about," she added as I remained still and pondered.

"Oh, it's great to meet you, Mrs. Leah," Baron said politely. "I'm pleased you're my grandparents' and Lichen's mother's friend," Baron remarked gently.

Mom observed, "Oh, I see you two are already friends."

"Yes, auntie, more than it!" laughs Baron.

"What are you saying?" I said, slapping Baron on the back. I'm glad my mom ignores everything Baron says.

"Leah, you may eat dinner with us!" said Baron's grandmother.

"Yeah, you may come with us, auntie," Baron said.

Of course, Baron! " My mother exclaimed. The flower you're holding was for your grandmother. "

 Even if we didn't meet on the bus, I realize there is still a chance for us to meet.

"Oh well, this is so beautiful; anyway, let's go now to my house!" Baron exclaimed, grabbing my waist and leading the way to his house while my mother went with Baron's grandmother.

After that, we all ate dinner together. I had no idea Baron could cook, and I sympathize with his sentiments for his grandmother. His house was likewise rather large. He appeared to come from a good background. He has five bedrooms but no servants.

"Lichen, how was my cooking?" Baron said. causing my mother to look at us.

"Y-yes, it's wonderful and great," I murmured, averting his gaze.

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