Chapter 3 (Blood, roses and angel)

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Swords covered in blood as the azure armor, turn into blood red and blood drops on the floor. Everyone on the room was filled with surprise and horror.

"Earlier During the start of the duel"

Kirito: Let's go Eugeo.

Eugeo: Kirito, be careful.

Kirito and Eugeo take the lead in attacking first. Bell without hesitation, charge towards Eugeo. While Alonzo remains in place and waits for Kirito to get close.

Bell: Generate thermal element, form element arrow shape, Discharge!

Seeing the thermal arrows heading towards him, Eugeo chant a sacred art while running towards Bell to counter it.

Eugeo: Generate metallic element, form element shield shape.

With the shield generated from sacred arts in his hands he successfully blocked the arrows heading towards him, but at the same time it also halted his advance towards Bell. Meanwhile Kirito who is already near Alonzo was greeted with a lash of whip.

Kirito: HAAA!!

Luckily Kirito manage to parry the whip using his sword. Much to Kirito's surprise the whip splits into two, only managing to block one end of the whip Kirito use his hands to block the other halting Kirito in the process. The piece of armor in Kirito's hands were broken as a result of his action, thou he sustain no wounds he is rendered vulnerable as his sword is tangled by the other end of the whip while his other hands is grasping the other.

Alonzo: You know you've made a wrong move when you use your hand in blocking my attacks.

Kirito: Pretty sure I didn't. Generate lightning element, burst element.

Alonzo: Ah!

With the lightning arts Kirito forced Alonzo to release his whip so that she won't be electrocuted by it. On the other hand, Eugeo saw Bell coming and raises his shield. Effortlessly Bell cuts through it.

Eugeo: Amazing! But I didn't expect it to cut the shield in a single slice.

Bell: HEHEH. Thank you, Eugeo.

Bell continues his attack, while Eugeo barely blocking all the attack Bell threw at him. With his quick thinking Eugeo formulated an attack to counter Bell.

Eugeo: Generate aerial element, burst element.

With the gust of wind, Bell was sent back a few meters away from Eugeo. While Bell is still affected by the wind element attack he cast. Eugeo immediately cast a second one.

Eugeo: Generate geo element, form element pillar shape, Discharge.

Pillars of made out of rock and earth encase Bell trapping him inside it. Eugeo then lunges towards Bell while he's still vulnerable and;

Bell: Roar Leon!

And with a single swing of his sword all the pillars were cut in half and Eugeo who is charging towards Bell were hit. A cut can be seen in Eugeo's armor and blood starts to drip coming from his arm. Not expecting what just happened Eugeo retreated a few meters away from bell.

Eugeo: I'm so amazed by your swordsmanship Bell; you cut through those pillars like it was nothing. You must be so strong Bell.

Bell: Thank you once again, but you are being mistaken. I'm not strong, remembered that during the start of the duel I used the enhance armament? Well this sword, Leon is not the strongest Divine weapon but it is the sharpest. Like a Lion's fang, it can cut through anything; it can even cut the wind due to it being super sharp. But only one thing can withstand its edge.

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