Emma's PoV

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Regina, Nicholas, Elizabeth, Henry and I were strolling through main street. Shopping, stopping at Granny's for lunch, and then going to the ice cream parlor for Rocky Road for me and Henry and Chunky Monkey for Regina. But while we strolling after we ate our ice cream, I noticed someone. Someone from my past. Someone who I thought I would never see again. Someone who I thought might have already been in jail for stealing. Neal.

"Neal!" I shouted

"Emma!" He shouted back. I was correct. It was him, my worst nightmare. But still I ran. I ran to him, not knowing why.

"Baefire?" Gold said weakly, coming out of his shop

"Papa?" Neal said

"You know him!" I asked

"He's my dad." Neal said

Then, I knew that my family had gotten bigger. Henry's dad was back. Another lie has been revealed. And my trust with Henry, well that would soon be gone once again.

"Emma what is going on?!" Regina asked worried

"I will tell you later once I figure it out." I said

"Baefire, son, I missed you so much!" Mr. Gold said happily

"But I haven't missed you. You left me. You left me to grow up fatherless. Alone. A 14 year old boy alone is not any fun. It is scary as hell." Neal said

"Hey!" Henry said walking up to Gold and Neal, "can you guys stop fighting? My mom's friend's babies are trying to nap and you guys yelling is not helping."

"Henry no." I said worried, not wanting him to find the truth out, while I was still trying to rap this around my head

"Hi, Henry? Now how old are you?" Neal asked

And there went my world. Henry is going to be crushed

"I'm 11!" Henry said, "now can you guys stop?"

"He's 11?" Neal asked shaking, "is he my son?!"

"Well," I started saying

"No, is he my son!" Neal demanded

"Yes, yes he is." I said now crying. Regina was shocked, slowly backing up, scared of the outcome now knowing the truth

"No, that isn't possible, my dad was a firefighter. He died." Henry said looking back and fourth at me and Neal.

"No, Henry it is possible. It is because I lied to you, I'm so sorry." I said

Neal crumbling to the ground,

"Why didn't you write me and tell me!" He asked

"You lied to me!" Henry shouted

"Henry wait!" I yelled, but he kept running

"Henry!" Regina shouted

"Neal I'm sorry I never told you, but you left me. You deserved not to know." I said crying, "Now I have to go get Regina and I's son."

Running in the direction as Henry did, only having Neal and Regina to follow.

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