Emma's PoV

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They took Regina into surgery. It has been 2 hours. And no reports back. Everyone is reassuring us she is okay but we know she isn't. Nicholas was born wih his umbilical cord around his neck. They have him on breathing treatments and tubes done his throats and wires everywhere. Elizabeth was born feet first. And her lungs weren't fully developed yet.

"Well Mrs. Swan. Look at my lovely grandchildren!" Cora said

"LEAVE! You caused this! She went into labor because you stressed her out so much! She can die right now and all you want is power! You need her because you are getting weak! And you know it! You wouldn't have came back just to say hi and see your grandchildren. Regina told me all about you and that will not happen. You are sick and twisted Leave! Now!" I yelled

"Well that is no way to talk to your mother-in-law now is it?" Cora said

"Leave Cora. Now." Charming said behind her.

"Well now look who it is! Prince Charming! Ha! What are you going to do jab me with your pointy sword? Ohhhh!!! I'm sooo scared! But you Emma should be. I will get my daughter back. Even if I have to kill you." Cora said and then poof she was gone

"Are the babies okay?" Snow asked

"Yes, but I need you to watch them. I need to check on Regina." Emma said

"Okay go." Snow said

Regina was on the top floor. I ran as fast as possible to get there.

"Can I have an update on Regina!" I aksed frantically.

"She just getting out of surgery. She lost lots of blood. Almost died. But they saved her. She will be in the ICU for a couple days. You are able to see her once she gets into her room." The nurse said

Then I saw her. Pale. Hair up in a bun. No makeup. She looked like she hasn't slept in days. Her eyes closed. The heart moniter beeping. Still letting me know my Gina is there. Still breathing. But that didn't stop me from breaking down. My Regina. The mother of our children. Looking lifeless. But still alive. The pain was killing me. I can't believe what has happened. Cora will not get to her. I cannot lose her. I almost have 3 times now. And this is the last time ever.

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