Chapter 1.5

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A/N I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Hey, Izuku. We are here to save you."


The day started like any other day started for the past 10 years, it was nothing special. Izuku's alarm rang as usual at 5 AM and shortly afterwards the door to his room opened and revealed Mineta.

He left right after putting a plate for Izuku to eat down on the desk.

But something felt off.

Due to his training, he had learnt to trust his gut feeling, but, still, he shrugged it off, for now.

Huh? The same food, the same room, the same training, the same people, I'm so fucking done with this bullshit. Some little, long forgotten part of his mind screamed at him to not give up, but his numbness took over him.

Over the years this lack of feeling had become his reminder of what he was; a weapon. But who cared, anyway.

He didn't even missed his feelings, they were just a liability.

He knew, this was not the truth, yet, he wanted to believe it. It was easier. Because if his emotions did rise to the surface, despite his efforts to keep them down, it only caused him pain. So much pain. Tch. I am really pathetic.

As the numbness drowned out even the last bit of emotions he felt whirling somewhere deep inside him, he sat down for eating breakfast. Afterwards he put on some plain training clothes and went to the training field.

Mineta already waited for him tapping his foot impatiently on the floor, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "You are late," he said in a grumpy voice.

Izuku bowed in a perfect 90 degree angle in front of the older man. "I'm sorry, Mineta-Sensei. It won't happen again."

"Come up," Mineta gestured towards, so he would stop bowing. "And it better not happen again."

Izuku looked his Sensei in the eyes. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Now let's start." He clapped his hands together to signal Izuku to start his laps.

For good 90 minutes, Izuku ran around the field again and again until Mineta, finally, told him to stop.

"Well, now that you have warmed up, it's time for some quirk training." Mineta grabbed his phone and send a quick message to somebody. "You already know the procedure. I called our little intern, so you can train with him. I certainly don't want to end up like Suzuki. He is going to be here in a few minutes."

As if on command, the intern came out of the house and ran up to them. "Hey. Here I am." He smiled and waved at Izuku. "Hello, Izuku-kun, it's time to train your quirk."

"Yes," Izuku said in a monotone voice that sent shivers down the intern's spine.

The little insecure the intern spoke up again, "Okay than let's go. I would say that we should start with some illusions. Then sound wave control and last but not least some flight training."

It was nothing new what the intern told him, yet, he nodded submissively.

Five hours later he went back to his room to eat lunch. Afterwards he started studying. He didn't have to, by now he was already years ahead of his peers. While they learned the material from third year of middle school he studied on college level. But what else was he supposed to do to keep his mind occupied?

But then he startles as he heard a commotion out in the hallway.

He stood up and stepped out of his room. He froze. There were multiple pro heroes. He spotted Eraserhead and Present Mic as well as – Oh my God, was that All Might just there? But before he could dwell on that, another man caught his eyes.

Strength doesn't make a heroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora