Chapter 1.3

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A/N I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Izuku was woken by a loud knock. He shot up, so fast, he nearly fell out of his bed.

When he looked up, he realized, that he wasn't actually in his room.

Oh yeah. Mommy, he remembered. New tears found their way into his eyes. A look to his clock, he realized that it was just 5 am. Who would wake me up at this time?

Then the door opened to reveal the tall man with the brown hair from yesterday.

"Hey, kiddo," he greeted, entering the room. "First of all, I'm sorry for yesterday. I know that your mother just died and that you are only a child. So, I am going to try to be more considerate of you." The brunette ruffled Izuku's green hair. "By the way, you can call me Suzuki. Please, stand up and put on some fresh clothes." The man reached behind him for a plate. "And eat up, you will need the energy."

He put the plate on Izuku's bedside table. On his way out he turned around one last time. "Training starts in half an hour." And with those words he closed the door behind him.

Training? Izuku frowned. He wasn't really sure why he was here and what the man meant with training. I'm not hungry. I want my mommy.

Instead of eating he went back to bed and cried for the majority of the time he had left.

Finally, he stood up, went to his closet and put on some shorts with a white shirt. Just as boring as my room. Why does something like this happen to me? What did I do? I just want my mommy.

The door opened again. "Kid, you ready for training?" Suzuki walked inside and looked on Izuku's plate which was still untouched. The man sighed. "Kid, I told you to eat. Now you won't have enough energy for training."

"But I wasn't hungry," the boy argued weakly. "I want to go home." The red, puffy eyes and his eye bags were clearly visible on his pale skin. He looked exhausted and that was exactly, how he felt.

"I'm sorry kid, but this is your new home. Come on, let's just go." The man grabbed the boys hand and walked with him to the training field in the garden. "Do you know how to fly?"

"No, Suzuki-Sensei." Izuku didn't know what to think about the man, who introduced himself as Suzuki. Yesterday, Suzuki was mean and now he said he felt sorry. Mommy. I want to go home.

"You are a smart one, aren't you? So, I believe that you can figure it out on your own. I'll wait there." He pointed behind him on a chair. Next to the chair was a table.

Izuku wasn't sure what to do. Of course, he already tried to fly, but it was harder than it looked like. I don't know. Arghhh. Help me, Mommy, I need you.

Izuku tried and tried for hours, but every time his feet left the ground, he lost his balance and fell back down.

At some point, his wings started to ache but he kept trying. He couldn't stop, could he? After all, the man wasn't particularly friendly towards Izuku when they first met. He didn't know what he would do if Izuku disobeyed his orders. So he continued to practice.

A few tries later, he succeeded, it was just a few meters, but it was still better than nothing.

"Ah, you see, I knew you would learn it yourself." The man walked up to Izuku and ruffled his hair, his mouth formed a soft smile. "Come on kid, it's time for lunch. I'm sure you are hungry by now, aren't you?" He led the boy to his room. "And this time you should eat something, please. We don't want you to break down, do we?"

"I try, Suzuki-Sensei." Izuku looked down. Still pretty uncomfortable, he sat down at his desk while Suzuki put a plate in front of him.

"You have 3 hours 'free time', but it's not really free time, more like lunch and study time. There are some note- and workbooks."

Strength doesn't make a heroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora