9 🦔

7 1 9

When we woke up we were still in the same positions we were in when we fell asleep.

I was the first one to wake up. I woke up to a surprise weight on me.

"hmm Jesus Channie.. w- BINNIE??" I mumbled

"ye- Gosh Changbin wake up" Chan shook changbin but we wouldn't move.

I was stuck underneath two buff men dying while Binnie slept soundly. When Seungmin Felix Jisung and Hyunjin woke up they were laughing at my struggles.

"Ahh binnie at it again deep sleeping" Felix laughed "welp it looks like you guys are stuck"

"Aish stop it get him off of us" Chan said

"Fineee" Seungmin pouted

They were all struggling to get him off of me and that's when Jeongin walked out to an odd scene.

"What the heck is going on?"

"Uhhh go back to the room" Jisung yelled

Jeongin didn't have a second thought to it and walked away. Changbin was still drunk from last night and was hanging on to the couch just enough so chan can get off. After Chan got free they gave up and Changbin landed on my stomach hard and that killed me.

"Oh my goD. SEO CHANGBIN GET THE HELL UP NOW" i screamed

I'm pretty sure that sobered him up enough to get off of me because he did. Chan had the look on his face like he was proud of me and he was just blushing.

Later on everyone took a shower and just got ready for the day. It was 10am and we didn't know what to do so we just went for a hike. After a while we got to a beautiful scenery and just took pictures. Ofc hyunjin took so many selcas and so did Jeongin.

When we got back to the car we did a body count and Woojin and Felix we're missing so we had to stay an extra hour to look for them. Soon after a long hour we found them sitting on a bench enjoying the scene.

"Oi Felix we thought we lost you guys" Seungmin said

"It's super pretty here" Woojin stated

"Well let's go back to the car and get some food"

We went to this super pretty restaurant and it was super nice. They had the best gourmet food and drinks. I told everyone not to get super drunk just tipsy because I had wanted to do more things later on.  So we all had small drink except Jeongin but we let him have some... It was chan's idea since he felt bad... Anyways so after we ate we went back to the dorms and rested and took our naps. When everyone was ready we decided to see a movie. The movie theater were playing old movies so we decided to rewatch Ninja Assasin since some of the memeber didn't know rain was the main person in the movie. They were literally shocked to see him act like that. I was enjoying their reactions to the movie.

When the movie ended we decided to go get some more food. Instead we went to the shops to get some supplies to make dinner. My diet has been going super well so Chan said we get to eat good tonight. He got beef and wine and lots of good things we had to cut out of our diet.

When we got home Chan and Woojin decided to make dinner. They were really good cooks so everyone didn't complain. I helped Jisung set the table and get everything organized. After about two hours of cleaning and cooking it was done. Everyone sat down and we talked about our favorite memories.

"Omg remember jeongins apple hair in the "Get Cool" music video?" I laughed


Stray kids  (Life with the boys) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum