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To Veteran: Do you like Captain? (Not like like that's ewwww)
To Player: Hi

Veteran and Captain look at each other, sharing a slightly awkward glance.

Veteran rubs his neck sheepishly. "Well we don't HATE each other...."

Captain drags the stool closer to Veteran. "But we don't love each other either.... So...."

They share another glance before Veteran says, "So that means.... Yes...?"

Player then comes out of nowhere and strangled both of them in a hug. "I KNEW you guys would get along!"

Captain squirms away and looks at him skeptically. "Do not push it."

Player sighs and looks directly at the camera, staring straight into it. "Hello there, friend!" He says, waving sweetly. "Nice to meet you!"

A QnA With Among Us Logic! (AUL Random Book)Where stories live. Discover now