10 Ways To Annoy Player!

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I have never seen this yet in this WHOLE ENTIRE FANDOM and if it exists then hahwfhdhwgf I DIDN'T KNOW-



1. Bring up the topic of Captain dating his little sister lmao-

2. C A R D   S W I P E .

3. Just bring up Mr Cheese and watch his reaction-

4. Tell him that he'll win someday, and when he gets all confident that he will, say "In a thousand years, dum dum." (Or however many years-)

5. If he does the L for loser on his forehead to mock someone else, just yell at him, "Why are you labeling yourself?" The lobby will laugh and he'll feel humiliated, trust me.

6. If he asks you where Veteran is, just say in a sassy voice, "Oh, your boyfriend? In your room waiting for you." He'll wanna murder you after that lol-

7. If he asks where CAPTAIN is, answer with, "So now you're in a polyamourous relationship? Cool lemme join." Good luck after that-

8. While he's sleeping, turn the ship's gravity off and watch them panic while you just sit there in your suction-cup shoes hehehehe~

9. Different time when he's sleeping, shove him into the ejection chamber and wait for him to wake up. When he starts panicking, laugh at him and say, "I NEVER REALIZED HOW GOOD THIS FEELS! NOW I SEE WHY YOU LOSE ALL THE TIME!" Rip to anyone who tries-

10. When there's Reactor Meltdown and he's at the other side, waiting for you, just frickin' sit there and wait for it to blow.


There, now you have officially made Player your worst enemy lmao-

Lemme know which characters you wanna see next!!

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