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I look up at Tom nervously and don't say much as we drive home.

"Tom can we stop of at the store on the way home, I need to pick something up".

"What's going on with you baby, you haven't been yourself". I take a deep breath in before turning to Tom.

"I'm late". Tom gives me a weird look.

"Shit, for what. I didn't know you had plans, where am I taking you?". I let out a small laugh, bless him.

"No tom not late as in late for plans but late for my period". He looks at me understanding what I'm saying or at least I think.

"Oh, so you need to pick some stuff up from the shop then". I'm about to tell him that I could be pregnant but then an idea comes to mind.

"Yeh, there's a tablet you can get to make it come quicker. They're called menstruation sprinters, could you grab me some whilst I pick up some milk?". We pull up and park the car, then walk inside.

"Sure, I'll go the the isle now". I start walking to pick up some milk.

A few minutes later I see Tom angrily walking towards me not looking impressed.

"Menstruation tablets, are you fucking kidding me right now? I couldn't find any so I went and asked a lady working on the isle. She burst out laughing telling me that she'd never heard of them. So I told her that my fiancé asked me for some, for her to reply and tell me that they don't exist. Care to explain to me?".

I burst out laughing, even in the state of how I'm feeling that distracts me of the illness. I can't believe he asked someone, oh god now I have to tell him that I might be pregnant.

"So here's the thing Tom, my period is late and I think I might be pregnant thats what I need from the shop". I look him in the eyes waiting for a response.

He grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes, I can't understand how he feels though.

"Really, that's amazing love".

"Are you sure, I mean I might not be but I could be".

"Of course, you know I want kids. This could be wonderful let's get one come on". He pulls my arm and we run to the isle.

"What ones do we get, I've never done this before?".

"Umm, well the cheap ones aren't good but that's common sense Tom. I'd say let's get the clear blue ones and the ones that change colour if it's positive. We need a few different ones just incase some aren't good or faulty".

A little while later we're driving back, the nerves shooting through us and the car. My leg won't stop bouncing and my heart thumping out of my chest. Tom notices and placed his hand on my thigh softly rubbing it.

"Don't be so nervous darling, just try and breath", I take a deep breath in and try to calm down.

We walk into the house and I grab a big glass of water to try and help me out.

I take a deep breath in. "Right I'm ready to take it now". Tom looks up at me nervously and grabs my hand, we walk to the bathroom in silence.

I open the door and walk in to the bathroom, he try's to come in with me but I stop him.

"You are not coming inside with me, wait outside and you can come in once I've peed on it". He looks at me almost sad before speaking up.

"Why not, I want to be in there. Please let me why not" he dramatically stomps down his foot in anger.

"No matter how much I love you, you're not hearing me pee. It takes 5 min tied to show up anyway so as soon as I'm done you can come in ok?". I close the door behind me and sit down.

A minute later I've taken it and I open the door for Tom to come in.

"I've just set a timer, it'll go off when the test is ready".

"Come here baby, come sit down".

He pats his laps and pulls me on to him, I lay my back into him and nuzzle in.

"I love you Brooke", he kisses my forehead.

"I love you to Tommy". As we sit there in suspense I take a minute to look around the bathroom. Weird I know but what else am I supposed to do, the Crystal clean white and grey tiles that dominate the floor. The section of fluffy cream towels with a little black stripe going across then end of them hanging there waiting to be used. Our extremely large rainfall shower filled with all of my hair masks, conditioners and shampoos. Next to the variety of body washes I have depending on what mood I'm in. My razors and loofa standing next to Toms one shampoo and body wash, the shower door still grasping to a few droplets of water from the recent shower I'm guessing Tom took. The long round bath big enough for two people, that Tom of course loves the use of. After becoming lost in my thoughts for a few minutes the alarm sound rings on my phone. I nervously look up at Tom, who squeezes my hand and gives me a small smile. I pick up the tests and flip them over to see the results.

My heart sinks at the results.

"It's ok darling, we'll have kids one day. Now just wasn't our time, don't be sad". It's then that I realise tears are streaming down my cheeks, I rub them off my face in disappointment.

"But you were so excited and so was I. When I told you I could see in your eyes that you were excited". I sob out, Tom pulls me into him and wraps his arms around my waist softly running his fingers up my back.

"Hey, don't be upset baby. I love you and that's all that matters, we can start trying for kids properly when we want them".

I don't know how long we stand like this, Tom rubbing my back and me crying into his t shirt. But after what seems like forever he pulls me into our room, changes me into my baby pink satin shirt and trousers then cuddles me into him as we fall asleep.

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