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I slowly open my eyes and roll over to check the time. I quietly slip out of bed and hop in the shower, I massage the shampoo into my hair whilst to thinking about wedding ideas.

Tom and I are inviting Nikki and the boys over after I've finished work to help plan the guest list and food ideas.

I grab a quick bite to eat before loading the dishwasher and finding an outfit for today. I slip on a pair of light pink straight leg trousers and a white silk button shirt. After applying a small amount of makeup and curling my hair I run back into our room.

"I'm off now bub, I'll see you later. Make sure you're dressed by 5 as your mum and the twins are coming over to help plan the wedding, love you bye". I softly kiss his forehead before heading to work.

"Morning Brooke, you have an interview with zendaya today about her recent movie Malcolm and Marie".

"Oh my god Millie! You should have warned me in advanced I'm freaking out, what time is she coming?".

"She'll be there in half an hour so write up about 15 questions and treat her like a goddess, she's one of the biggest celebrities we've done here other than Tom of course" she winks at me.

"If you don't mind me asking, why am I interviewing her if she's so important?".

"You're the best interviewer we have here, you ask great in depth questions, are super friendly to the people even if they're not friendly back and most important I trust you the most".

"Thanks mills, that means so much to me. I need to go now if I'm going to get the questions done and grab a croissant".

I head into my office and type up all the questions after doing some research on the film, I have seen it but I needed a few fan inputs on this.

"Hello I'm here for an interview today. I'm zendaya, here to talk about my new film."

I here an American accent and I look up to see her eyes staring up at me.

"Hi I'm Brooklyn Gray, please sit down and can I get you a drink or something to eat." I'm literally so nervous right now.

"I would love a soda water if you have any Brooklyn". I made sure to run to the store before she got here to buy American drinks and snacks at the American food shop down the road.

"Please call me Brooke and, I'll grab you one now, would you like some potato chips or anything?".

"Sure why not Brooke, who knew British people enjoyed them too". She giggles, I chose to laugh along with her instead of telling them I wanted to impress her.


The interview comes to an end, and honestly it was great, she was so funny and sweet.

"It was great to meet you, Toms spoken about you a lot, he lights up whenever someone mentions your name. Hey, I don't suppose you want to hang out sometime, you seem like a doll".

Oh. My. Fucking. God. Is she for real right now?. Ok Brooke act cool or she'll think you're weird.

"Sure why not, I'm wedding planning later today but maybe Wednesday I can do".

"Great, let me get your number and I'll text you later bye".

I go to the cafeteria and grab a cup of tea before going to the bathroom.

After starting typing up the question my phone buzzes.

Unknown- hey girl, it's zendaya. What do you want to do tmr x

Play it cool Brooke.

Brooke- hey, there's a lake near mine and Toms we could for a walk round. I might take tessa if u don't mind x
Zendaya- sure sounds great, I love dogs!
Brooke- ok I'll text you my address and come over about 12, I don't have work x

I look up at the time and begin to pack up my things and drive back home. On the way there I pick up some flowers for Tom, he always says he doesn't like being given them as it makes him feel girly but the way his face lights up says otherwise.

I pull my car into the driveway and unlock the door. "Hey love I have a present for you".

My fiancé comes running down the stairs excited like a child, I pull the flowers from behind my back and as predicted his face light up.

"Awww thanks baby, I love you".

"I love you too, now I'm going to go get changed and listen for the door as they'll be here shortly".

"Actually they won't be". Huh.

"What, Tom they're going to be here in thirty minutes".

"No they're not, I told them to come half an hour later. I've missed you I thought we could spend a little time together". He can be so cute sometimes.

"Tommy, that's so sweet come here". I pull him into my arms and he rests his head on my shoulders. We move to sit down on the sofa, and he tucks a hair behind my ear.

I softly kiss his lips but he wants more, he sticks his tongue into my mouth deepening the kiss. We begin to passionately kiss as he grabs me and pulls me to sit on his knee. At first I'm confused as not only am I sat on his knee but now we're not kissing?

After a second he rests his hands on my hips and tightens his grip. He slowly starts bouncing his knee up and down, my breathing increases and I feel my panties getting wet. He picks up the speed and I feel the knot in my stomach get right. I throw my head back onto his chest as I feel myself come closer and closer to climaxing. "Fuck Tom, I love you" "I love you too", I reach my high moaning his name as I cum.

"Now you can go get changed angel face" he playfully slaps my ass as I get up.

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