five • how do i breathe

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"You know I've been thinking..." Eric started.

"About what, babe?"

"Maybe should we tell the guys, about us." Eric suggested.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, why? You don't think it's a good idea?" Eric asked him.

"It's not that." Anthony said.

"What do you mean?"

"They're not gonna be mad, are they?" Anthony asked.

"No, why would they be mad? If anything, I'd think they be happy."

Eric notices Anthony shift in his body language. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"No, no... baby, just tell me." Anthony sighs.

"I mean... what if they judge us for being gay?"

"Why should that matter?"

"It doesn't. I-" Anthony sighed, "I feel bad that we haven't told them yet. I know we're not doing this on purpose, but they're our friends and-"

"I know," Eric puts his hand over Anthony's and scoots over closer to him, "but trust me. They're not gonna be upset, I promise."

"How would you know?"

"If they were our friends, they'd understand that there wouldn't be any rush. I wouldn't pressure you to tell them about us, if you weren't ready. I wouldn't do that to you."Eric reassured him as he kisses his boyfriend on the cheek.

"You and I make a good team, don't we?" he said seriously.

Eric smiled, "Yeah, we do." Anthony smiled back as he snuggled up next to him on the couch. They spent the last few hours watching tv, until Anthony fell asleep in Eric's arms peacefully.

Eric (3) missed calls

Anthony feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, seeing not two, but three missed calls from Eric. He puts it back in his pocket almost immediately, trying to get the thoughts of his (ex) boyfriend out of his mind. This was starting to get more and more frustrating by the minute.

Those calls that Eric made to Anthony were still waiting to be answered. Since the big fight they had a few days ago, there were so many things that he wished he could have said. There was a huge lack of communication and way too many misunderstandings that led them to this. Eric fought for their relationship, wanting him and Anthony to stay together, but it seemed like he was the only one who was fighting for this to work. He let Anthony win that night, knowing that he wasn't able to do anything else, that he couldn't take any more damage.

He couldn't understand why Anthony didn't want anything to do with him. Eric gave him as much space as Anthony needed, but somehow it wasn't enough. The time that they were spending apart was brutal; it left him angry, guilty, vulnerable, emotional, and most of all, very confused.

Two weeks later, it seemed like things couldn't get any worse.

When Eric walked into the studio, it seemed like Anthony pretended like he didn't exist. It was like they were total strangers. He tried not to look at Anthony, but how could he not? He hasn't seen him in days. The two make eye contact. The way Anthony looked at him; it was filled with anger, regret, pain, and everything in between. Eric looks away from him and walks out as Anthony watches him.

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