fifteen • forever & always

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Anthony makes his way downstairs to the first floor of the lobby. Now Anthony had a huge smile on his face, seeing the rest of the guys in the middle of the lobby. Slowly making his way toward them, his eyes landed on Eric. He must have been the most handsome person he's ever seen. Everyone else glanced at Anthony, giving him a quick wave, smiling.

Meanwhile, it took a minute for Eric to glance at his boyfriend and when he did, it's like his heart stopped right then and there. He smiled at Anthony.

Anthony started to get all giddy, seeing Eric make his way over to him, cupping his face and giving him a kiss.

"Hello to you too." Anthony said to his boyfriend as he pulls away.

"Sorry, sorry. I just really missed you last night." Eric chuckled, as he gives him a hug.

"You have a good way of showing it." Anthony joked, which makes the both of them laugh.

"How are you?" Eric said.

"Better now that you're here." Anthony said.

"Really?" Eric smiled as he reaches out to hold his boyfriend's hand, as Anthony smiled back.

"Yeah." Eric leans in, kissing him once more before Anthony pulls away.

(Joey couldn't help but smile to see the two younger boys show their affection to one another. "Eric's so in love with him, I wonder if he even knows it yet." Joey said to Thomas and Colton.

Thomas and Colton followed their bandmate's gaze, seeing the couple standing in the middle of the lobby, talking to each other.

The couple is sitting down in the middle of the lobby, and they're talking.

Anthony's probably telling Eric how excited he is for tour and the places that he wants to see. And, on the other hand, Eric's staring at him, love seeing Anthony get all excited on how they're gearing up for tour. He's holding Anthony's left hand, while Anthony's hand on Eric's shoulder.

"Look how happy Anthony is." Thomas said.)

The guys couldn't help but stare in awe of the couple. They couldn't be any more happier for them.

Things could not be any more perfect, not only Anthony was living out his dream, but he was doing something he loved with the 3 guys who he called his brothers, and the one person who mattered to him the most.

Eric was watching Anthony from the across the room, as Joey walks by watching him stare at the younger boy.

"I hate seeing you like this." Joey tries to plead with him. Eric tries to tune him out, but there's no use. All he could think about is the things he could have done to save his relationship with Anthony. He felt guilty. He turned to look him and then at Anthony who was talking to their manager. "Don't do this...please."

Eric just stares at him. He didn't have an explanation. "Why not?"

"What's the matter with you? Anthony's hurting right now, he's-, oh my god- "

"What? What is it?"

Eric contemplates for a few seconds, but then comes to a realization. He had a feeling that something was up, and it wasn't a good thing.
"Tell me." he said in a firm voice, turning back to Joey.


"You better tell me or I'm leaving." Joey's heart started to jump a little, as he started to get nervous. This was not the time or place to tell him, but at this point, he didn't have any other choice.

"Anthony's parents are getting divorced. Thomas told Colton and I the other day." Eric wanted to be angry, but, how was he supposed to?

"Is that the reason why he broke up with me?" Eric asked him.

Joey let out a long sigh, "I'm sorry that you had to find out like this...I should've told you."

"It's okay." Eric reassured him, with a grin on his face.

"Just don't get mad at him, he's going through a lot right now."

"Why would I be mad at him?"

"Anthony needed time to process everything and he thought you hated him and-"

"Why he didn't tell me this sooner? I've always been here for him. He knows that." Eric always had a good ear, and Anthony knew that.

"I know," Joey smiled at Eric, "and you're a good boyfriend for doing that."

"Man, you suck. Your boy beat you in ping-pong twice." Joey said to Eric.

"Are you sure you didn't let Anthony win on purpose?" Thomas asked him.

"I didn't." They laughed.

Anthony looks up at Eric and smirks at him, "Does this mean I get a reward for winning?"

"Why? Do you want one?" Eric asked suggestively, walking closer to Anthony.

"Yeah, I really do." Anthony bites his lip, as he started to flirt back.

Eric raises his eyebrows and smirks back, stepping closer to him. His face inches away from his, "Maybe if you behave, I will."

Anthony started to blush.

Colton started to clear his throat, "Can you not do this in front of us please?" Anthony gave him a fierce glare, while Eric starts to chuckle.

"Come on, babe. Let's go." Eric continues to chuckle, as the two headed off to go somewhere else, hands intertwined with each other.

Joey rolls his eyes saying to Colton, "You're so weird."

"Anthony, I know about your parents. And before you get all upset, I don't blame you for pushing Eric away. I get it, you're scared...but you know that's not going to solve anything."

His manager notices Anthony not even paying attention to a word he's saying, but he follows his gaze. He sees Eric talking to Joey from across the room. He catches Anthony staring, and they make eye contact for a minute, before Anthony turns back to his manager.

"You haven't took your eyes off him since he walked in."

Anthony doesn't say anything, because how was he supposed to? How was he supposed to talk to him and pretend like they didn't break up a couple of weeks ago?

"I know you miss him. I know you're trying to hide it, but whether you like it or not, Eric has a right to know." His manager said.

"Why should it matter to you? This isn't your problem to begin with."

"I don't like the way you're dealing with this."

"Well, I don't need your help." Anthony said bluntly.

"Why can't you just tell him, Anthony? What's stopping you?"

"It's not going to change anything."

"That shouldn't matter!"

Anthony scoffs, "You don't know anything."

"I'm sorry that you're going through this right now, but, don't do this to him!"

"He hates me!"

"If he hated you, he wouldn't be crying over you, now would he?"

At that moment, Eric shows up. He follows his manager's gaze, seeing Eric only standing a few feet apart from him. His manager smiles, nodding for him to go, as he leaves the two of them alone.

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