seventeen • count on you

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"Everyone give it up for Midnight Red!"

Eric catches Anthony by the wrist, pulling him into a quick kiss before heading up to perform. They stare at each other for a brief moment, before Anthony pushes him away laughing, running up on stage.

"So you finally had the courage to ask Anthony out, huh?" Thomas said, as he stood next to him. He was watching everything from afar.

"Yeah," he turned to Thomas and looked at his boyfriend, who was getting pumped to go onto perform.

"Well," Thomas crossed his arms, "it's about time."

Eric laughs, "It's not my fault. You, Joey and Colton have been trying to get me to ask him out for months."

"And it worked." They both laugh.

Thomas smiled, as he couldn't be any happier for his friend. "No, but seriously, I'm happy for you. You two are pretty adorable."

"Thanks, man." Eric smiled back, as Thomas pats him on the shoulder, before going up on stage.

Anthony looks at him one last time, flashing his bright smile at Eric. Eric couldn't help but smile back, as this was the first time he felt like he had everything that he could ever want. He felt like he was the luckiest guy in the world.

Eric thinks to himself before putting on his earpiece, "Let's do this."

A Few Weeks Later
It's 7:30 in the morning, and Anthony was up. Ironically, Anthony hates waking up early. He was never a morning person, but he wasn't able to get any sleep. All he could think about the current situation that he was in. His family was everything to him. But right now, it felt like his whole world is crumbling down in front of him. 

"Hey you, you're up early. You want breakfast?" Eric says as walks past by Anthony, walking over to the kitchen. He looks over at Anthony, sitting at the couch, zoning out. "What happened? Is everything alright, babe?"

"My dad called... my parents officially filed for divorce."

Eric was speechless, he didn't know what to say. I mean, he didn't have to say anything, but still. It was still shocking to see that this was happening. Anthony just looked at him, then looked down at his hands. Just by the looks of it, Anthony's still trying to process everything.

"I-I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" He gave Eric a small smile. With everything that's been happening, it's been so stressful for the both of them, especially Anthony. And although he's feeling like shit, Eric was being so patient with him through all of this. Eric didn't get mad at him for being so secretive, he didn't blame him for pushing him away. I love that he cares so much, he thought to himself, but doesn't say it out loud.

Eric makes his way over to him, sitting next to him on the couch. Anthony's sitting there, as he's unable to speak. Anthony gets up from the couch, starting to pace around the room. Eric gets up and slowly starts to follow him.

Anthony let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair.

"Be honest with me. What are you scared about?"

"My dad really wanted me to believe that him and my mom were happy... I don't want that to happen to us."

"It won't. You don't even know what happened with your parents when we were on tour, babe."

"But what if it does?! I don't want to make you miserable!"

Eric wants to calm him down, but he lets Anthony continue. He hated seeing him like this.

"Don't try to blame yourself here."

"I really don't want to, but- am I overreacting?! This is stupid, I know-"

"No," Eric reassured him, "it's not. You have every right to be upset about this. I'm not taking that away from you. I just want you to relax first."

Eric walks over to him, putting his hands on Anthony's shoulders, trying to get Anthony to look at him. It was the only way that calmed him down, and it helped. Anthony took a deep breath. He felt a little touched by this.

Eric's expression softened a little as he noticed the bright smile on Anthony's face. He uncrosses his arms as he steps a little closer to Anthony and holds his waist, "I would never want to you feel like you can't talk to me about anything. Just don't shut me out, okay?"


"Don't push me away anymore. I don't want to lose you again... please." Eric cups his face, which makes Anthony instantly brighten up.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? Why are you saying sorry?"

"Everything. I don't even know why we broke up in the first place."

"Don't be."

Anthony gave him a small smile, started to choke up, letting the tears fall down his face. "Aww baby, don't cry. It's gonna be okay." He lets Eric brush his tears away, because let's face it, he missed the way Eric made him feel better. He lets Eric kiss him, because that's what he needs.

Things weren't the way he hoped it'd be, but, at least it was a start.

"Hey, you." Eric snake his hands around Anthony's waist. "Happy birthday."

Anthony started to smile, recognizing his boyfriend's cologne. "Thanks babe. You're early for soundcheck, aren't you?"

"Yeah, but, I got you a present." Anthony turned around.


"Take it." Eric hands over a small glazed box that's wrapped in white wrapping paper and tied in blue ribbon.

Anthony hesitantly takes the present and opens it. As he opens the present, he stared in awe as he looked back up at Eric.

"What's wrong, babe? You're scaring me." They both laughed.

"You got me a jar of handwritten notes?"

"Oh," Eric said as he remembers that he also got Anthony flowers, "and these too."

Anthony was confused but touched nonetheless.


"Thank you. But you know I'm gonna tell you this again next year, right?"

Eric laughs as he kisses him, "I know."

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