four • leave (get out)

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"Um, babe? What are you doing?" Anthony asked, looking at his boyfriend. Him and Eric decided to get coffee right before they headed to soundcheck.

"I'm paying for you. What does it look like I'm doing?" Eric said, with a huge grin on his face.

"You don't have to do that. I can pay for myself, you know." Anthony reassured him.

"I know, babe. But for what it's worth, I'm doing this because I want to. Just let me pay for you this one time, okay?" Eric stepped a little closer to him as grabbed his boyfriend's hand, staring right at him. Anthony rolled his eyes, as he couldn't help but blush a little. Eric smiles and gives him a quick peck on the lips before winking at him, walking up to the register.

Anthony couldn't help but smile to himself. He loved when Eric did things like this to show his affection towards him. The gesture was small, but it made him feel appreciated.

"You know where Anthony is?" Colton asked Thomas and Joey.

"No." Joey said.

"Do you mind if I ask you guys something?"
Their producer asked Joey, Colton, and Thomas as they waited for Eric to finish in the booth. "Not to be nosy or anything, but I could've sworn Eric and Anthony were dating."

"Well, they were." Colton said. Their producer frowned in confusion.

"Did something happen?"

They all look at each other, hesitating to say anything. They know it isn't any of their business getting involved into their bandmates' relationship problems, but this affected them too.

"It's a long story." Joey said.

"What happened?"

"They got into a fight a few days ago." Thomas said.


"I don't know." Thomas said.

"So...they broke up then, right?"

"Kinda." Joey said.

"What do you mean?"

"They never officially broke up. They're on a break, I guess." Joey said.

"Eric stayed at my place last night." Thomas says.


"He's not ready to see Anthony yet. I mean, they've been together for a while now, but since that huge fight, they've both been a wreck." Thomas said.

"Not only that, we had to cancel some of our shows." Joey said.

"You don't think something else happened?"

Thomas just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't think Anthony wants to talk anyone, not even us." Colton said.

Their producer hesitated. He didn't want to sit back and watch this get any worse than it already has. He decided to talk to Eric after his recording session.
"Where is he? Where's Anthony?" Eric started to become frantic.

"Is everything okay?" Colton asked.

"Wait," Thomas said in confusion, "dude, what are you talking about? What's going on?"


"There was a shooting at the mall."

"Where? How'd you find about-" Colton was just confused as Thomas.

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