Chapter 33 || Who is she?

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I looked at Zayn and Taehyung, they both stayed emotionless. Let the two of us play this game then Zayn, was on my mind.

"I thought you won't hide things to me but seems like I was wrong. Sorry for invading your privacy Mr. Aldricks," saying this I turned to leave but was yanked into a tight embrace.

"No baby. Please don't say sorry."
I smiled as my plan worked. He can never take when I put myself not important to him.
"It was just that Taehyung is a Mafia and he is petrified of Aria reaction. He thinks after knowing that Taehyung is a mafia her love towards him will change to hate, or even worse she will get scared of Taehyung. That was the thing he came to talk about. I swear other than that we talked about nothing," he said as he pulled away with a concerned expression, as I turned stiff hearing his confession.

"He is just a mafia and you were scared of th---- Wait. What the hell? Mafia? Are you crazy or acting like one? I mean how could he? Taehyung never bothered to say this during their marriage, now you are saying he is a mafia!" I yelled.

"Baby chill down. I get you are worried for your bestie but see he is the mafian King so nothing would happened to him or Aria." He said trying to calm me down.

"What ??? Seriously Zayn. I swear if you weren't my boy friend I would have not hesistated to punch you square on your face. I don't care let him be whatever he wants.All I want is My Babygirl safe. She is my utmost priority.

Taehyung cameover and spoke, "I am very sorry for not saying this before. I never had any bad intentions behind this. I am a busimess man and its just a part if that."

"Wait, Zayn, does that mean, you are a mafia too?" I asked perplexed.

"No. I was once but not now," He said defending.

"Mina please only you can help me. If she leaves me or something. Ohh shit I cant take that," a shudder escaped his he moved away. It was like he was hurting physically even to say that.J ust the thought of losing Aria bought him to his knees. I felt bad for being harsh on him a moment ago.

Zayn went behind him and tapped his shoulder.
"Hey boy. I could see you are so in love trust me nothing like this will happen," said Zayn. Taehyung gave him a small smile.

I should support him because I could see he really loves My Aria. My Brat. Technically not mine, so she is our brat in common!

"Don't worry Taehyung. My babygirl is a badass. So there is no way she will be leaving you because she is scared of you get your nerves cool," I said with a smile.

"Thank you so much Mina," he said with a smile. A smile of relief.

"And one morething please don't say this to her," he gave me a pleasing look.

I nodded agreeing with him because I know it wont end well If I say this to Aria.
He was about to walk out but I stopped him and spoke, " Look Tae. I could see you are really in love with her.
If I see her cry or something, I'll boil your teeth, fill your sinuses with mango juice, and put cement in your ears and damage your body completely," I threanted him pointing my index at him.

End of flashback.

"This is what happened. I am ecstatic knowing you never did anything we feared."

"Yeah, I myself never expected that I will react in such a way after knowing the truth. But I love him like crazy, like super crazy. So the thing knowing he was a mafia didn't affect our relationship or got me scared away from him."

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