Knowledge is power

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The weekend finally came, and Hades left the common room after telling Theo, who had been up early, that he was sending a letter to his father. The young boy simply nodded, and despite himself, Hadrian was intrigued about what exactly was the big secret about Nott's parents. He made his way to an empty classroom, the same he'd used last time, and summoned an elf. Killing Mrs. Norris had stirred up some trouble last time, and apparantely no one cared if an elf went missing. He slit the things throat before it could even move, and was engulfed in a whirlpool of bright blue flame, warming him.

It didn't take long to reach the gates of home, and he waved goodbye to Charon before climbing through. "Father? Uncles?" The hall was surprisingly empty, and he frowned, looking around the palace for his family. They were simply no where to be found, and just as he was starting to search their chambers,  his Uncle Mammon passed through the doors. "Hadrian?" He turned grinning as he hopped over to the demon prince. "Hello Uncle Mammon, it's good to see you." They hugged briefly before walking over to the crypt.

The crypt, didn't hold the bodies of dead people, as many might imagine. It held the souls of the most evil creatures to ever exist, buried forever in the darkness of stone. It was also the entrance to where Mammon kept all his treasures, so it was no surprise they came here. "Where is everyone?" They each perched on a tomb each, ignoring the muffled shouts echoing around the room. "A lot of people have been dying recently, everyone's been busy. I've only just gotten a break myself child." Hade tried to think what could have happened to kill so many people simultaneously, but nothing came to mind. Perhaps he should start reading the newspaper all the older years had. "Now, what brings you back home?" He smiled at his uncle, a wicked grin, and he knew Mammon would be proud of this one. After all, it was the demon prince of greed that had taught him how to contract a soul to his possession. He opened his palm, summoning the unique symbol that now linked him with the wizard. "I need to know who Tom Riddle is."

A few hours later he left hell in a daze. He'd assumed they'd need to go to the library of souls (much grander sounding than it actually was, it was only one book in a big room.) However, his uncle immediately knew who Riddle was. Apparantely he hadn't taken the soul of just another dark wizard. He now owned the dark lord! Excitement thrummed through him as he returned to Hogwarts, walking from the classroom to Slytherin Common room. He needed to have another talk with Quirrel. This could definitely cause some trouble!

Unfortunately, as he hadn't seen his father, he couldn't consult the demon of wrath on how to make Dumbledore pay. He'd just have to get creative on his own. He walked into the common room and made his way up to the dorms, where Theo sat on his bed with a book. "Blaise and Draco went outside to play Quidditch." Hadrian nodded, walking over to his own bed and picking up a book and quill. He didn't really have anything to do, the work easy and assignments done. He didn't look up, but he could feel the boys eyes on him. "Is there something you want to say Theo?" He didn't receive a reply, and went back to plotting, having assumed the Slytherin would stop. Except, he didn't. He finally looked up, and as he met the boys blue eyes, he finally started talking. "So what actually happened?"

Hades had an idea of what he meant, but raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate. "You told Draco, last week that your father found you, and that you didn't remember anything about your family. You were lying, so what really happened." Hadrian frowned, setting his things down and leaning back on the bed to watch him. "What makes you think I was lying?"  He didn't reply, and Hade was pretty sure Theo was just getting, but still, he was clever. "You don't have to worry, I can keep a secret." Now it was Hadrian's turn to watch the boy, staring at those calm, patient eyes. Theo was alright for a mortal. "Let's make a deal. I'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours." Theo immediately turned away, picking up his book to resume reading. Apparently that wasn't going to work. Which was fine, after all, Hadrian wasn't going to tell the whole truth. Most wizards didn't even believe in demons anyway.

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