A dark night at hogwarts

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There were several places Hades wanted to explore. He wanted to find all of the pain and the sounds and the darkness. He supposed he was just trying to get home, to where he felt he belonged. Of course he was to stay on earth though. So he would simply find the points closest to hell. The forbidden forest seemed a good place to start. As soon as he'd left the castle, taking the easiest route, he took a leisurely stroll across the grounds, searching for the thick bracket of trees. He thought he'd caught a glimpse of it on his way up towards the castle, so quickly set off in that direction. He passed through a large pitch, obviously for some kind of sport. Just past that, a large dark forest could be seen, the brush so dense that even shadows could not be seen within. A wide grin spread across his face, and he walked forward to enter this den of darkness.

Albus was certainly troubled. Harry wasn't what he'd expected at all. In fact, everything he had anticipated of the child had been torn apart and laughed at by fate. He was meant to be raised without magic by his relatives. Alone. Then Remus had ignored that, only to discover that the child had been missing for years. He'd believed the child dead, apparantely not. In fact the child was healthy, and apparantly educated, raised by a far off Lord. Then, when the boy was finally back within his grasp, he slipped away at every turn. First he was in Slytherin, something the boy had been fine with despite its reputation and then he couldn't get any information from the child. He was nothing like his parents, and certainly not a Gryffindor. He had to find a way to gain control over the boy. He was certain that now the boy had appeared, Voldemort would make an appearance. With the added lure of the Philosophers stone of course.

Minerva and Severus were monitoring the castle halls together. Typically they did not do this, as separated, they covered more grounds. However tonight was filled with a haunting darkness that forced the two to wander together, for fear of getting lost. They had tried re-lighting the candles, both magically and manually, but it wouldn't take. The candles weren't spelled, and there was no wind. It was simply as if a thick shadow lay over the castle. It was accompanied with a heavy sense of dread, similar to the presence of a Dementor. Severus couldn't shake the feeling he'd felt this before. When he'd looked into the eyes of Harry Potter. There was no way the son of Lily, and unfortunately James Potter, could create a child with such an evil aura. Then again, he reminded himself, this was no longer their child. Hadrian Morningstar was now the son of Lord Morningstar, whoever that was. In all honesty, Severus hardly believed that. The child was certainly hiding something, but he didn't know what. Perhaps the wolf would know, if he saw Hadrian.

Hades loved it here. It was full of darkness and magic and sound. Perhaps he could find a way to sleep here? It would certainly be better than that silent empty room. It was almost suffocating, the quiet. Perhaps he'd get used to it. He followed a trail of glittering white, intrigued by what could create such a substance. When it ended with a man, gathered round an injured unicorn, he was certainly surprised. He settled back into the shadows, allowing his eyes to shift back to their natural red. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He spoke in the screeching language if demons, incomprehensible to anyone other than to whom it was directed. The man jumped, clearly terrified, and spun around to see him as the unicorn ran away.

Quirinus spun around at the terrifying sound, both the roaring through the forest and the whispered voice in his head. His body was already starting to deteriorate from holding his master, and everything he'd tried had failed. Unicorns blood had incredible healing properties. It was his last resort. Quirrel frowned as the unicorn galloped away, having only left a cut on the creatures shoulder, before quivering in fear at the thing before him.

"What are you?" Hades laughed, the sound much lower and crueler in demon tongue. He recognised the dull thing now. It was their stuttering Defence against the dark arts teacher. He'd paid little attention to him, but clearly there was something more here. "I am beyond your comprehension mortal. You clearly do not understand the dangers of your actions." He had his magic spread out, blocking the struggling rays of the moon, until the only source of light was his own glowing eyes.

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