Return to Hogwarts

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He lay in Draco's room, rather thankful for the silence now. Narcissa had given him his own room, but Draco had been rather insistent that they shared. They had yet to discuss what had happened, and he could tell his friend was about to explode from pent curiosity. "My father has been lying to me." A slight rustle could be heard before the blond dropped down to sit cross-legged next to him, listening eagerly. He wasn't sure exactly how to tell the human. He wanted his friend everything, but felt admitting to being a Demon wouldn't end very well. "My father has known who I am for a very long time. He's known all about me, but he never said anything. He lied to me." Saying it aloud seemed to make it more real, and his head fell to his hands. Draco placed a hand on his shoulders, shuffling closer. "Why would he do that?" He sighed, shrugging slightly and leaning slightly against the mortal. "A part of me understands it was probably to protect me....or maybe to use me. Either way I'm still furious. I never thought my father would lie to me!" They were interrupted by the creak of the bedroom door, and the two boys looked up to see Lord Malfoy framed by the light if the hallway. "I apologise, I did not intend to eavesdrop, but I overheard your last words. He frowned at the older man, who leant against the door frame, watching them both with a calculating look. "I do not pretend to know Lord Morningstar well, but I will say that parents often find themselves lying to their children, when they believe it is necessary. To protect them or their feelings." He knew this, but was reassured that Lord Malfoy had said it too. That made more sense than his family using him. Even if they were demons, he was sure they loved him. He was one of them. "Have you ever lied to me?" The wizard smiled down at Draco before straightening up and closing the door. "Goodnight boys." They were yet again enveloped in darkness, and both were silent for a while, processing what had been said. "He didn't answer." Hade huffed quietly, lying back down and hearing Draco do the same. He didn't need to know that his father was a death eater.

The summer passed by, and Hades was hesitant to admit it, but it had been fun. He'd become much closer to the Malfoys, and had even spent time with Blaise and Theo on the occasions they had visited each other. Whilst they had not gone to Theo, the boy had attended both Malfoy Manor and the Zabini's estate. The summer had been filled with food, sun, games and chatter. All human things that Hades was beginning to find rather appealing, but it wasn't long before that time came to an end, and they had to return.

The atmosphere of the Hogwarts express was light, the children excited for their second year at Hogwarts. Unfortunately the mood didn't last long as they entered the Great Hall, seeing who their DADA teacher would be for the year. "What is he doing here!" Confused, Hadrian turned to Draco, who was glaring at the smiling blonde sat at the teachers table. Blaise didn't look to happy either, and was nothing compared to the disgust on Theo's face. "That is Gilderoy Lockhart. He's a pompous idiot that's written too many books about his 'adventures'." Harry raised an eyebrow, looking back at the man as they took their seat at the table. He could see now the fake smile and too perfect hair. This man was working very hard to appear one way, only suggesting there was something he wanted hidden. "I take it you mean to claim he's making it up?" Theo sighed at that, chin resting on his palm as he picked at his robe. There proof the things happened, but there's no way he did them. He's an imbicile!" Intrigued, Hadrian allowed his eyes to unfocus, the room turning a hazy red before settling, and revealing the auras of the rooms inhabitants. The hall held a wide variety, but it's Lockhart's he focused on. He could immediately tell that the man was not particularly powerful, so unless he was a genius, it appeared Theo would be right. He'd have to wait and see.

It didn't take long. In fact, the next day, the Slytherins and Gryffindors walked into the DADA classroom, many grimacing at the change of decoration. Dozens of large portraits smiled down at them, all depicting Lockhart. Hadrian immediately decided he dislike the man's ego, but nevertheless took he seat with his friends at the back of the class. He rolled his eyes as he heard a few girls twittering over 'the new professors charms and looks.' Clearly many people had been taken in by the imbeciles lies. Theo was fuming next to him, so Hades leaned over, gently nudging the boy with his shoulder. "Are you okay?" Theo released a long, slow breath, before smiling over at Hades. "Yeah sorry. I just really hate frauds, and this man is such an idiot, but everyone falls for it!" He raised an eyebrow, surely that wasn't a reason to be this upset, but before he could reply, Lockhart swept through the door.

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