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Hagrid ran through the empty corridors of the castle in a panic, desperately trying to reach the headmasters office. As he reached the staircase, he squeezed through, pounding against the door, until Albus opened it. "Hagrid, what on earth is going on?" He opened his mouth, taking a deep breath and leaning against the wall. "Fluffy.......corridor........gone." He could hardly get his words out before the headmaster rushed downstairs, a patronus flung over his shoulder.

Only a few minutes later several staff of Hogwarts school were noticeably absent from breakfast that morning, instead clustered in a small corridor. "Albus, what is going on?" The old man quickly explained how Hagrid had discovered that Fluffy was no longer on the trapdoor, but rather fast asleep in the corner of the room. He'd hastened to tell Dumbledore, who had promptly gone to check the stone. "The mirror is gone." A range of shocked reactions met the declaration, and he gestured them to follow him through the traps.

There was no damage to any of the traps, the plant intact, and the keys wings unbent. Whoever had come through, had no need to solve the puzzles at all. The chess board was equally untouched, the pieces responding as normal. "What's strange is the next room. Of course, the intruder could have broken and then repaired the chess board and the door, but the only way they could pass the fire is with the potion. And it hasn't been touched." Severus stepped forward, looking at each bottle. "These are all my original potions, none have been taken. Unless they happened to have their own....." The group exchanged wary looks, it was unlikely, but better than the alternative. That someone had been powerful enough to simply stroll through the flames and take the mirror. "It would appear they were unable to retrieve the stone from the mirror, so we at least have some time. We need to find the mirror, and whoever has taken it." They agreed, swiftly exiting the chamber.

Hadrian sat in his bed, reading over his class books. It was all painfully simple, but so far he had nothing else to read. Perhaps it would pay to visit the library tonight? "Have you been awake all night?" Draco yawned, his previously slicked back hair a fluffy mess of spikes. "I'm just used to waking up early that's all." He waited for the other boys to dress, before they all walked down to the common room. Draco happily introduced him to Theo and Blaise, who seemed just as intrigued by Hadrian. They all sat together at Slytherin table, and the others began to eat their breakfast as Hades looked around. Several teachers were missing, including Professor Snape, and he wondered if it was anything to do with the mirror he'd taken in the early hours that morning. It was currently hidden with his coins in the secret compartment of his trunk. It was impossible to get in, and even if someone could, they'd end up with a very nasty curse.

Eventually he was distracted by his first normal human lesson, potions. He entered the cold dungeon classrooms, joining his friends at the front of the class, on the Slytherin side of the room. They had quickly become a close-knit group, and decided to stick together in classes. Theo's quiet intelligence and sarcasm was greatly appreciated by Hades, and Blaise's dry humour was very amusing. Draco was very vain and supercilious, but somehow he was endeared by him. They fit well together, and he was quickly coming to like having friends. It was certainly a new experience. Potions was certainly interesting, to say the least. Snape had paused at his name, clearly trying very hard to not say Harry Potter, and throwing the class into confusion at the name Hadrian Morningstar. Specifically the Gryffindors. There were two in particular that seemed the most distressed. A ginger boy and a bushy haired girl. Both were rather adamant that he was in the wrong house, insisting he sat with them and sorted it with Dumbledore.

Luckily Professor Snape swiftly shut them up with a few lost points, and the class settled for the lesson."You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human beings, bewitching the mind and ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." It was clear the man was very passionate about the subject, and Hades couldn't help but be swept up by it. It reminded him of when his Uncle Satan had taught him how to make poison, and showing him its effects. Now that had been an interesting lesson.

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