I clearly remember I slept in balcony, how come I came to bet,I touched my forehead with my three fingers, I don't know why but I felt different, I was thinking then I suddenly remember my dream from last night, wasn't it s dream, was he really with me yesterday "no no it was just a dream, just a dream" i shook my head.

I hate myself for not having dinner yesterday, now iam feeling more hungry than ever, I went towards dining table dadi prepared today's breakfast, I can looking at it, I love her food more than anything, I ate without complaints, firstly because I was hungry and another thing dadi made it. I was completing it I heard car horn, iam going to kill these monkeys, I mean there is lot of time for college but they have to go now, I cared less about that I ate breakfast as slow as I could, I love irritating them. One minute I was biting my aloo parata next minute I was in the air, I squealed at sudden act those two idiots lifted me, my hand was hanging on their shoulders, I started kicking my legs in air and punching them an their shoulders.

"You idiots, monkeys, donkeys, I was eating you can't take me like this, papaaaaa, paaaaapaaa these two stupids kidnapping me" I kept on shouting

"Shutup drama queen" Rahul said, they threw me in back seat and started car, I sat there sulking, and decided that I will not talk with them.

When we reached college it was more like some market more tham College campus, I mean generally our college is stict and this almost time for first lecture but every student seem to be out side class.

I glanced at Rahul and sid they just shrugged, just than over enthusiastic kid pooja came squealing loudly, I closed my ears.

"You know hot and handsome business man is coming today to our college" I blinked my eyes for two times, and nodded

"Who" I asked

"Hey comeon guys first we have lecture even though we have some guest lecturer today we have to attend our classes" Swetha said coming there, we are nodded and went to class.

Pooja was gushing over some random stranger who was suppose to come today, I really didn't listend to her, I sat as far as I can, soon it was lunch time after lunch our supposed to be gust lecture will start.

We all sat near table, I asked pooja to shut her mouth before I use tape to keep her shut, she just pouted, we started eating our lunch.

Everyone went to college auditorium but I went to take my phone from car, morning because of that idiots I forgot my phone in car, but now I need it, I can't listen someone boring talking about anything.

I was walking back to auditorium checking something on my phone, suddenly I was on ground, I realised I bumped into someone, when I looked up, I was shocked looking at the person infront of me, I felt like deja vu, I blinked my eyes, when I stood from ground I gritted my teeth, can't he see while walking, before I could say anything he started speaking.

"What while walking sweetheart" he smirked, I fisted my hands, suddenly he kissed my cheek and went from there, I stood there gaping, what just happened, and how dare he kiss me. I came from my trance when my phone rang.

I will kill him one day for sure, but I don't want to go jail, maybe I can hire someone who can kill him, no that will not give me satisfaction, maybe I will kill him and hide his body with help of Sid and Rahul, sid is dumb in this matter, but Rahul can help me, he watch crime thriller movies a lot.

"Whose murder you are planning love" I heard his voice, but how??, I knitted my eyebrows and looked at my surroundings, how come I came near principal office when I should go to auditorium, but question is how does he know.

"Don't stress your little brain love, I know when goes in your mind looking at your face" I narrowed my eyes at him

"What are you doing here" I asked finally

It'll Always be you (Completed ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now