CHAPTER 2: The black hoodie

Start from the beginning

I hurriedly get my coat and bag while my phone is on my ears. I’m trying to call Chief Officer Lavigne.

“Hello?” he answered the call. I put on my Bluetooth earpiece and started driving.

“What dump site did Mr. Rosario has seen?” I asked.

“In Barangay Payatas” he answered. I heaved a deep sigh and turned the call off.

I know that it would happen but I didn’t know that it would be this soon. What is the possible reason behind the death of the two? From what happened right now I have huge hint that these two cases are really connected to each other. If this is a doing of an organization…is it possible that it is also connected to Reybert’s death?

When I arrived I saw a group of people and reporters at the scene. I went out of my car and walk hurriedly at the area where Mr. Rosario’s body was lying. 

“Ma’am you’re not allowed-”

“I am a detective.” I cut off the police who blocked me. He let me in so I slowly walk towards Mr. Rosario’s body that was covered by the white sheets. I sighed heavily and held the sheets to see his face. When I saw his pale face I already knew that he’s been dead for a long time. He has black eye on his right part of head and a gun shot on his temple. It’s telling me that he experienced torture before he got killed. 

I clenched my teeth in anger. It’s not new to my job to see horrific things like these but every time I someone who got murdered I feel anger and hatred to the murderer. I cannot imagine that they could do this to anyone like an animal. They do not deserve this so I will do everything to have the justice they deserve.

“Excuse me?” I asked one of the police officer.


“Who reported to your unit that there’s a corpse here?” I asked. 

“From what I know Chief Officer Lavigne got a call from an unknown number and reported Mr. Rosario’s body.” he said. My bros furrowed and confusion killed me. An unknown number. Why do I have this feeling that these happenings are fabricated? Why? Did someone intentionally reported it to the police? Then what are his or her reasons? 

I drove my car towards the police station and ask for chief Lavigne when I saw him he was busy with her table with his fat tummy.

“Chief?” I called him.

“Oh! Detective Lux!” he greeted me. He signed me to sit in front of him so I gladly do it.

“What brings you here?” he asked.

“I need the number who called you and reported Mr. Rosario’s corpse.” I said. He nodded but his brows furrowed.

“Why?” He asked curiously.

“There’s something I want to figure out.” I said. He nodded and start to find his records.

“You are still into that case huh?” he said. 

“What case?” I asked confused.

“Reybert’s death.” he said that made me stop. Chief Officer Lavigne was the assigned officer in Reybert’s case. He tried to search and catch the murderer but there’s no trace or even identity the reason why the court closed the case already. Because even me, the only witness of the case doesn’t know and I didn’t see the face of the culprit. I was devastated that time. I almost beg for Chief Lavigne to continue the case because I really wanted to solve the case. 

I told them everything even the threats and words that Reybert told the culprit and they saw the case as a wasted case because the victim is also in question because of his behaviour. They are right because even me I got scared of Reybert but the thing is he doesn’t have the right to kill someone else with his own hands. 

Justice should serve right to the people who needs and deserve it.

I went out of the police station after I have the number and went back to the scene where Mr. Rosario’s corpse had seen. I tried to call the number but it’s just ringing and no one is answering. But there is something strange. There’s a cellphone ringing around the dump site! I tried to call again the number and tried to find where the cellphone is is. How come that the cellphone used by calling the police station was here? What the hell is happening?

And finally I saw the cellphone ringing. I slowly get it and stared at it for a long while. But when the wind touched my face my eyes went closed because of the dust that it can give. I wiped my eyes off and when I open it there is someone who’s standing in front of me. 

The guy with a black hoodie jacket.

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