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It is happy to think that everything is going back to normal. My dad got a new job, my mom is now healed and fine now. It means we won’t leave anymore. I won’t miss Reybert anymore. I could stay here forever with him! 

Reybert is my long time crush. He was way older than me. I’m just 10 years old and he is already 18 years old but like what everybody says, ‘age doesn’t matter’. So whatever my friends says I don’t care as long as he’s with me. He always makes my cheeks blush and making me feel excited. He always looks at me with his beautiful eyes. He is a man that every girl could ever dream of. But I am happy that I am the only girl he allows to be with him. 

“Maj! Where are you going?” my mom shouted as I walked down the stairs. My hair is properly made up and my dress is very neat right now. I should look beautiful because Reybert wants to see me! He said that there’s something important he wants to tell me.

“I’m going to see Reybert mom.” I said and kissed her cheeks. She was cooking our dinner for tonight. My mom and dad knew Reybert as our neighbourhood. He is my only friend except for Sunshine. 

“Okay. Just take care of yourself.” She said before finally let me.

I am happily walking at the streets as I imagining Reybert face while saying something sweet to me. I don’t know if Reybert knows my feeling but I’m sure he can feel it too. But it sad to say that maybe he doesn't see me as his potential lover because I am still young. But I’m still hopeful that maybe someday my love for him would be worth it. 

I stopped when I saw Reybert standing and leaning on their front gate. I am about to come near to him but his phone rang and he answered it. 

“Hello?” Reybert answered. I stared at his wide shoulder. He is very manly and handsome.

“What?!” I almost jumped when I heard him shouted in anger. My brows furrowed. Who is the caller? Why is he suddenly mad?

“Then do something! I can’t let that guy ruin my plans!” Reybert said in madness. I don’t know why suddenly my heart beat faster. It’s not because of my feelings with him. It’s different. It’s because I’m scared. This the first time I saw him like this.

“Tell it to Christian…” he breathed heavily and I saw how his face gets dark. My hands suddenly turned cold. Why is he like that? It felt…scary. He won’t do something bad, right? He is a good man. I knew him for a year now and I can say that he is a good guy. 

“…tell him to hide now…because if I see him? I would gladly send him to fucking hell.” 

My heart boomed faster in nervousness. I stepped back slowly while my hands are so cold. I feel like there is something on my throat that I can’t swallow properly. I am so scared that I want to run away. I want to go home. But before I can run away Reybert called me.


I closed my eyes intently. I don’t want to see him. I feel like I would get in danger if I walk near him. How could I escape? How?

THE DEMON'S CALL (English novel)Where stories live. Discover now