"What's this?" He said taking lingerie out her suitcase.

"Why are you so nosey put it back" she said taking it out of his hands

"I can't look at it?"

"No, can I look at your underwear?"


"I don't want to because I'm a decent human being, can you get me 2 t-shirts out my drawer please"

In the midst of getting T-shirts he looked around in her drawer more and noticed more lingerie. Of course he decided to say something about it.

"Why do you have so many of these and you never wear them?" He asked holding up two one piece lingeries.

"Ughhh, Josiah you're like a little kid" she said moving around him to get two shirts out her drawer.

"How? I'm just wondering why I've never seen you wear them before"

"Because I don't know how to be sexy"

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I don't have sex appeal, I'm just awkward"

"Well if it makes you feel better, I think you do" he knew compliments didn't help with her insecurities but he wanted to let her know that she'd always be more than what she thought she was in his eyes.

"It doesn't because you think I'm the greatest at everything and I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever met"

"Both true statements, except I'm a better artist than you" he said shrugging

"You are not, you can't do anything but draw, I draw, I paint, I sculpt"

"I'm a better drawer than you"

"That's debatable"

"No it's not" he said kissing her cheek

"Okay I think I'm pretty much done packing, what did you get me for my birthday?" Aubrey asked

"Why would I tell you that right now?"

"Because I wanna know and I'm afraid it won't top my face being painted on a train car"

"Yeah I probably should've waited to show you that but I think I might've topped it"

"You should tell me so you can be sure" she said


"Can I get my gift at 12?" She begged

"You can get one of them at 12"

"You got me more than one gift?"

"Maybe" he said shrugging making her roll her eyes
"I can drive the rest of the way if you're tired" Aubrey said as they pulled into a gas station.

"Only like 45 minutes left, plus you drive terribly" he said looking at his watch

"I do not" she said giving him a look before he got out the car.

"I'm gonna go pee, you want anything?" She asked

"Wait for me, I'll go in with you" it was dark and the gas station was in a secluded area and it kinda creeped him out. He'd watched too many thriller movies to not be cautious.

"See nothing happened" Aubrey said once she came out the bathroom.

"Oh shut up, better safe than sorry" he said putting his arm around her as they walked out.

"I guess you're right, well would you look at that it's midnight" she said

"I was hoping you didn't notice" he said opening the trunk.

DEFINE.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon