"Woah," I was amazed. 

"Now it's owned by the people I work for."

"What??" I asked. 

He chuckled. I looked at him confused, still wanting to know what his job really was. He looked back at me knowingly. 

"Well, to be fair we don't use it. It's kind of just a spare place to go."

I stared at it, mesmerized by the beauty. 

"Well, c'mon," he said as he was getting out of the car. I followed behind, excited to get inside. 

We walked along a long cobblestone driveway leading up to the castle. Jack unlocked it and pushed open the heavy door leading into a giant foyer with a grand staircase. I looked around, overwhelmed with feelings. I had never seen such a beautiful building. We continued walking into a giant ballroom. The ceilings were high and the walls and ceiling had artwork carved into every inch. Gold pillars stood all around the room and giant gold and crystal chandeliers hung all around the ceiling. I gasped. 

"You like dancing?" he asked, amused. 

"I don't know... I never went to any school dances." I kept my eyes glued on the room, taking it all in. 

"Not even in high school?"


"Well, if it were me, I wouldn't have missed a chance to dance with such a gorgeous girl," he said. Coming from anyone else, I'd find these things cheesy but from him, they sounded genuine. 

I blushed again and smiled at him. 

"So, can I have a dance then, m'lady," he asked with a playful bow, holding his hand out for me. 

"Why, of course, kind sir," I said in a mock British accent as I curtsied and placed my hand gently in his. 

Within seconds he had me pressed against his body and was leading me in an invigorating dance. I had no idea where he had learned all this, but I loved all of it.

He dipped me and looked into my eyes. I stared back into his black eye sockets. He slowly raised me up while maintaining eye contact. I felt a surge of energy run through my body and I couldn't stop looking at him. Neither of us made a move any close because we knew we couldn't. Not now. But we couldn't seem to move apart either. 

Then, suddenly my back was filled with a sharp pain. I bent over and groaned in pain.

"Y/N? You okay?" he asked, full of concern. He put his hand on my back and I felt another wave of energy followed by pain. 

This time I yelled out in pain and kneeled on the ground, doubled over. Jack looked at me concerned. I felt my skin tear open in two places between my shoulder blades and I flinched. I looked up at Jack and he was watching me with both concern and intrigue. 

I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to go away, which it did not. It felt like something was trying to get out of my skin and it was painful. I hated that I had to go through this in front of him, and I felt a little embarrassed. This went on for a few seconds before it stopped and the pain let up. My eyes were still squeezed tight as I kneeled on the cold floor. My entire body felt off-balance and I was suddenly afraid to open my eyes. I heard nothing but silence from Jack. 

I slowly opened my eyes, first just looking at the floor. I slowly turned my head to the side and saw a giant wing connected to my body. It was feathery and at least 15 feet long. I turned to my other side and saw another one. My breath started to speed up a little and I looked at Jack. 

He was staring at me in shock, unsure of what to do or say. I slowly stood up, getting used to the balance. I looked out at my wings again. They were all black with just a tiny bit of white on the tips. I wasn't sure how to move them, but I tried to pretend it was the same as moving my arm. It worked and I was moving them. I gasped, then laughed a little, amazed. 

The Creature (Eyeless Jack X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu