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It was the next morning, Jisung wasn't going to school today because of his bruises and the doctor insisted he stayed home, he was laid in bed in pain, when he saw his bedroom door slowly open....

-Jisung's pov-

"I made you breakfast jisungie" I see the alien come in with a tray of breakfast, "aww Minho you did this?" I noticed it was pancakes, when I remembered I taught him how to make pancakes and he knows I love them

"Yupp all by myself" he puts his arms on his hips proud of himself

"Aww you little cutie- I mean...uh...thanks Minho" I avoid eye contact with him hoping he doesn't see my face slightly turning pink...

"It's okkk Jisung" he smiles and hands me the tray of food, I sit up slowly, the doctor was very much right I was going to be in pain, pls I can barely move....

"Your momma human also told me to give you these before she went to work" he gives me the pills the doctor gave my mom yesterday, I was actually glad because I am in a lot of pain right now.....

I take the pills first, then reach over to the pancakes slowly, wincing in pain as my stomach starts hurting like crazy as I tried to sit up.

I see Minho put a hand on my chest to stop me, I blush a little as I feel his hand touch my chest...

"Nu nu Jisungie, jisungie is in the pain and needs to stay where jisungie is" I hear him say with his cute little alien accent.

"But minmin... I need to eat, I am hungry"

"Yweshie so me is going tu feed the you" he says with a cute smile on his face and puts the pancake on the fork and travels the fork carefully and slowly to my mouth trying not to spill the syrup all over my bed.

I start blushing more as reality hits that the cute little alien is feeding me... I open my mouth and try little minmins masterpiece of a pancake, I open my eyes wide and make an "mmmmmmm" sound

Minho gets excited and claps his hands.. "jisungie likes itttt?"

I nod quickly to assure him I do "I love itttt minmin I really dooo"

I hear him giggle as he reaches into the pancake, putting some more on the fork with some syrup and travels the fork once again to my mouth. Although I stop him just before he gets to my mouth "min,... can you open that curtain for me at my window..for me please"

Minho nods and puts the pancake in my mouth carefully and gently places the fork down on the plate again and goes over to the window and opens the curtain, he makes a big ":o" shaped face when he looks out of the window..

I tilt my head in confusion on what he sees... "minmin? What do you see"

He tries his best to try and describe what he can see outside of the window "Uhm uhm, it is the white colour and boom everywhere" he makes a big explosion motion with his hands

I watch how he cutely tries and describes what he sees, I understand what he sees, but I'm pretty sure little minmin has never seen snow before, I giggle at him "min that's snow hehe, it's beautiful isn't it"

Minho nods fast "can we the go outside and go in the one you call the snow"

I smile "maybe later... the pain in my stomach is slowly dying down from the pain killers medication so maybe later we can go play in the snow I don't want you going outside by yourself, and ooo ooo I can teach you how to sledge and how to build a snowman and we can even have a snowball fightttt hehe"

Minho nods and sits on the other side of my bed and comes closer to me

I love feeling his warmth near me, to say he is an alien that knows nothing about human world, it's unreal of how safe he makes me feel... he makes me feel loved and cared for, more than anyone else has ever, apart from my mom of course...

I feel him snuggle up close and wrap his arms around my waist, this made me blush like crazy, I put my arm around him too and enjoy the comfort he gave me until he lifted his head slowly to look up at me..

"Hm?" I look back at him confused

"There is a fwunny feeling in my tummy when me snuggle with you" he explains

"Oh?... what do you mean funny feeling" I feel like I know what he means but I want him to elaborate just a little bit more just so I know for sure if he is thinking about the same thing I am

"It feels like their is the flying pretty buggies in my tummy" as he explains more it makes me blush more and more.

"Ah I see... perhaps do you also feel warm and safe when you're near me?"

Minho responds with a very fast and innocent nod

I giggle as my face becomes more and more red... perhaps Minho is... well... Minho could be... in love... with me?

Awww This chapter made my heart soft while I was writing, don't judge meee 🤧🤧

Alien | MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now