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"hey are you okay?"

The thing had mint blue hair and its cheeks were a little tinted pink, it looked up at me and tilted its head making its blue hair fall in front of its face

it looks like an adorable boy, who has just lost his mother in the mall, he seemed scared and confused, i dont know if this is all a prank or, but anyways this poor alien boy is hurt and i need to help him.

i look down at his leg and see blood coming through his clothes,
"hm, lets go get you cleaned up, and man its freezing"

he still had his head tilted while looking at me with the same terrified and confused look.

"come on" i helped him up, still havent heard a word come out of this terrified blue haired alien, he was limping beside me, i take him to my room and place him carefully to my bed, he was still looking terrified which made my heart sink, seeing him terrified made me feel sad, because if he is an alien...that means he is lost in an unknown planet, alone... i dont know why im not freaking out that i just brought an alien into my room, but i want to help him, he is injured and alone, i want to make him feel safe.

"i'll be back in a second, i will go get the first aid kit out of the bathroom" i left my room and went quietly upstairs to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, can the alien even speak ? does he even understand what im saying? is he even an alien or is this some sort of joke? or a prank set up by my friends to prove their point that im soft?? i have so many questions, but i will save them for now and focus on attending to his leg wound.

i came back to my room where i left the hurt alien. he was still just sat there playing with his fingers when i came in until he looked up at me with his big brown eyes still with the terrified look on his face.

"hey, its okay, you dont have to be afraid, im not going to hurt you, i am going to help you, okay ?" he just stares at me

i blink a couple of times before softly saying an okay and kneel on the floor in front of the alien and started emmptying what was in the first aid kit onto the floor.

"okay, alien? this may hurt a little so just hold onto my bedsheets and try not to make any sound okay? my mom is sleeping and if she founds out an alien is in her house then she will most likely freak out okay so please try not to make any sound"

he again just stares at me "im hoping thats an okay"

i sigh and gently start to wipe his wound with a wet wipe, i got a little startled when he jolted his leg up onto the bed away from me, a little tear streamed down his face.

"awe no, no its okay, im not intending to hurt you, but we need to clean your wound so it doesnt get infected, okay?"

i promise i will try go more gentle, and it will be over in 10 seconds okay?"

i watched as the alien looked to be lost in his thoughts when he finally lowered his leg back down to where i was.

i smile at him "i promise i'll be gentle"

again i place the wet wipe over his wound gently wiping it and most of the blood around it, i heard a little hiss come out of the aliens small mouth through the pain, and i finally finished cleaning the wound and quickly put a bandage over it "there we go, all done" i smile at him as his body relaxed after sitting up straight, tensing because of the pain.

"its okay, see it wasnt that bad right?" i put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him a little. "you must be tired hm?"

again i got no response only stares, i nod and try and think of a place to put this stray alien, and keep him safe for a while.

"I GOT IT!" i accidentally shout as an idea popped into me big brain, making the alien jump a little, i instantly cover my mouth remembering that it is only 1:30 am and my mom is probably still sleeping "sorry, i didnt mean to startle you" i whisper feeling guilty. anyways stay here i will prepare you something okay"

i then run to my quite large closet and start to clear things out of it, i used to use my closet as mine and my friends little hideout when we was kids because the bottom was big enough to have like a cozy little secret hideout but now me and my friends are older we never went in my closet anymore so i have a great idea but first i need to go get some blankets and cushions

i gathered some blankets and cushions from the living room and place them cozily at the bottom of my closet, creating some sort of bed, hideout type thing, i also place a small lamp in there that i got from my bedside table because i never use it anyway so i will put it in here just in case the alien doesnt like dark?? i dunno im just putting it in there to make it look more cozy.

i view the masterpiece of a cozy home i created inside my closet and see the alien still staring at me from my bed.

i smile at him "hey, come here...i have a surprise for you, i say from where i was standing not even 2 meters away from my bed, the alien seemed to not understand what i meant by "come here" i walk towards him and hold my hand out,
"come, you dont have to be afraid i made you something to live in until i find out what to do with you"

at my surprise the alien grabbed my hand and stood up next to me, i walk him gently to my closet still keeping in mind that he shouldnt walk too much and rest his leg, "this can be your home, alien" i smile as he looks into the closet and starts to enter, he sat there on the blanket looking up at me, he looked really adorable and cozy,
"you should probably get some rest now okay, try sleeping for a while and i will figure out for the morning okay, i will also be sleeping, sleep well alien" i smile at him then go back to my own bed and lay down in my cover feeling relaxed, i almost fell asleep when i started to have a weird feeling, i open my eyes and notice the alien at the end of my bed still in the closet

i sigh and get out of bed and go to him where he is in my closet

"you having trouble sleeping??"


i got startle by the alien being able to speak, "you can speak?"


"yes, speak, like you use your voice"

the alien nods

i smile at him

"anyways, you should try sleeping, you need rest"

"what is sleep?"

"i- you have never slept before??"

the alien shakes his head at me

"hm, well sleeping is where you close your eyes and escape the real world for the night and dream about good things, but sometimes you can dream bad things which is called a nightmare, but im sure you wont get a nightmare"

"bad dream?, how does one sleep?"

i found his alien accent quite cute

"well you sleep by closing your eyes, you try do this" i close my eyes to show him
i open them again seeing that the aliens eyes were closed
i chuckle at the cuteness of the alien

"there you go your doing it" i smile "now lay down while your eyes are closed and keep them closed and eventually you will fall asleep

i watch as the alien lays down on the stacked cushions and keeps his eyes closed, "sleep well alien, im jisung by the way"

"jisung....I is minho" the alien replies still eyes closed

i smile "minho hm? its a cute name, sleep well minho"

i went back to bed and slept peacefully until morning....

I literally love writing this book

Alien | MinsungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora