Wrecked ship

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The next morning, i was awoken by hearing my mom scream

i quickly woke up and looked at Minho who looked terrified at the scream, "its okay, minho just stay here, its just my mom okay, i'll be back soon okay"

"okay" the alien replied softly

i ran out of my room quickly and go to where my mom was, she was outside.....i totally forgot to hide the wrecked ship that was in our backyard...."mom??"

"jisung! sweetie, what is this???" she says terrified

i sigh knowing i have no explanation to hide this...."well i, uh"


"promise you wont freak out to what im about to tell you okay?"

"what is it??"

"well, um would you believe me if i said that there was a something that crashed outside my window last night and when i came out to look, well uh, it was this UFO and that an alien boy was in here injured, and he may be living in my closet"

"you've got to be joking me?....."

"i wish i was, i really do...."

"well where is this "alien" "

"in my closet, MINHO! CAN YOU COME HERE?!"


"yes thats his name"

i was looking at the backdoor when i was about to shout minho's name again he appeared right in front of me out of nowhere, i heard my mother scream again, it also startled me

"ah! minho, humans use those doors to come through okay? dont just appear like that again please"

"oh yes, minho is forget that in human world"

"jisung???? how??? how did he just???? he just??? appeared out of nowhere???"

"like i said he is an alien"

i watched as the alien walks towards his broken ship.... "my ship....minho is lost on human planet...." he sits on the ground in front of his broken ship tears start to fall

i could see my mom felt sorry for him and she walked towards him "hey....minho...." she puts her arms around minho and comforts the crying alien

"i is lost....no way to get back home..." i heard the alien say i felt really bad, that he was stuck here on this planet, alone not knowing anyone, surrounded by strangers who he knows nothing of and strangers who arent even of his kind, i would hate to be in his postition, being alone with noone to go to or be around....

"mom....can he please stay with us, can we please look after him....just think of how alone he must be right now, how afraid being in a whole new planet surrounded by strangers that arent of his kind....i want to make him feel safe like he has a family to go to, make him feel not alone...."

i saw my mom sigh and look at the crying alien that is still in her arms...."i suppose....if i was in his situation, i would be terrified too, so yes, minho can stay with us...but who will look after him while your at school and im at work, speaking of work i have work in 20 mins, ahh"

"dont worry mom, ive got it all under control, i will teach him things today and help him learn about human life as its sunday so i dont have school, and hopefully tomorrow when i do go to school, he will be okay to stay in the house by himself until i figure something out, or until he is more like a human, and understands more things, to be able to go to school with me"

"mhm, okay, tonight when i get back from work which will be 5pm, how about we go shopping for clothes and other stuff for minho??"

"oooo shoppingggg, yesss, im sure minho will love that, right minho?"

He looks up at me, with a confused look.

"uh, another first time hm?? anyways im sure you will love it minho, its really fun, i find it fun"

"if jisung finds it fun, i will find the shopping fun too" he says

i chuckle "come on, i will make us pancakes for breakfast minho!" i run to him and grab his hand dragging him back in the house and to the kitchen

"ow, jisung...i is leg does be hurting" i heard minho say, totally forgetting about his injured leg

"oh, im sorry minho i forgot, is it okay?"

"yes it is the okay"

i giggle

"what is that noise you just made?"

"what noise? this noise?" i giggle again and see him nod aggressively

"yes that is the one noise, i is talking about"

"ohh, well thats called giggling, you giggle when you find something is funny but cute at the same time so it makes a quite gental laugh instead of actually laughing fully

"what is the laughing?" wow he really doesnt know anything about life on earth....i wonder what its like on his planet, doesnt seem very socialable and fun if he doesnt know what laughing is....

"oh? laughing is like when you find something really funny so that is how you react to it, by laughing" i explain to him

"ohh, does you laugh often??"

"i mean, yeh you can say that, i laugh a lot when im with my friends"

"friends....i am only alien who does not have friends, my planet call me annoying and noone wants to be with alien that is annoying"

"awh, im sorry to hear about that minho...well i dont find you annoying, i find you quite adorable and loving, and i will definitley be your friend, oh look at that, im your first friend" i smile at him

the blue haired alien tilts his head once again and tries to copy the smile i had on my face

i laughed at him trying to smile, he looked so adorable you could just pick him up and place him gently into your pocket,...but obviously thats not possible anywaysss

"awee, minho i see you dont know how to smile either??"

"you did loud noise when i tried to smile"

"oh yeha that was what i was explaining earlier, that is a laugh"

"jisung laugh with friends, minho really is jisung friend" he managed to do a awkward but cute smile to me

"hey there you go, you smiled, and yes minho really is jisungs friend" i laughed again making minho smile wider

i taught minho how to make pancakes and what nice things you can put on pancakes, my mom now went to work so it was only me and minho in the house, after we have eaten i most definietly want to show him around and teach him new things, but taking it as baby steps for the start of things, so he can get the hang of being a human.

Truth comes out....I am....secretly.....
An 👽 alien 🥰🤣🚀

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