Graduting Scholarships and The End?

Start from the beginning

"Takashi."he said poking his brother

"Mmmm?"Takashi asked slowly pulling away from me. and sitting up to face his brother.I had a dark blush on my face

"Mom said she wants you and Kanae to come down stairs." he paused looking a bit upset "Now."

We stood up and slowly strolled down the stairs. I wondered what had happened. Then suddenly

"In the limo you two!" i heard Satoshi shout. We headed for the door hand in hand. And Naturally left hand in hand.

~In the Car driving~

Okay this was me the whole time O/////////O The world's darkest blush

Then this was Takashi O.O Nervous and almost surprised

And his mom>:D The evil plotting something grin

And Satoshi>.< As if he ddn't want to know what was going to come on

So overall we all looked pretty dumb.

Takashi Morinozuka's Pov

Don't tell mom. I silently prayed. If mom found out that Kanae and I were kissing on the floor,in my room and Satoshi walked in. I would be dead. And Kanae was giving away quite a lot with that dark blush. I widened my eyes at her as if to tell her to stop but she was so focused on the window,she didn't see. Suddenly the car stopped. I looked at my watch about a 30 minute drive. To a dark house. Well it looked dark despite all the flowers sitting on the porch and in the gardens. A haunted mansion. No this used to belong to my great grandparents. I knew i recognized that dojo on the side. As we stepped onto the porch my mom handed me a key.

"It's all your's." she said. Kanae looked so surprised i thought her eyes would fall out of her head. She bowed politely.

"Thank you so much."She said. 

My mother lifted her head up and hugged Kanae

"I already know you'll be my daughter in law. The passion that flows between you two is so powerful even death can't pull you two apart. "

Kanae Asami's Pov

I giggled "I don't know what to say . I said opening the front door. Naturally i was in awe of the beauty of the dark room. The chandelier that hung eerily over my head and the dark blue walls had black lining making the room seem deadly. Almost as if i were in a horror movie. And i loved every inch of this house. I giggled

" I love this house!" i yelled

I grabbed Takashi

"And i love you!"We then we kissed.

Time warp to in the host club room graduating day.

Takashi's pov

"Yay!"most of the club room cheered. As we kissed. I ran my fingers through her silky hair. As we pulled away from each other. We had already been to the ceremony and we just told the club and it's members about our dating.

Kanae's purple eyes flowed with tears.

"I'll miss this club room. And all of you in it."I said bowing.

"We'll miss you Kanae."

"I promise to be back for the beach party your holding."i whispered to Tamaki who sat in his emo corner.

"And more visits after."he asked pouting

"Of course Tamaki."I said giving him that smile that only i can give. he sniffed and hugged me.

"Honey!I'll be seeing you soon."I said hugging Honey. I hadn't realized until now but Honey grew even if just an inch he grew. The lolita style boy hugged me.

"Every time you hear cake smell cake or taste the delicousness of cake you'll remember me."I ffelt tears on me.

"Don't cry Honey-chan."I said pretending i didn't want to cry.

"I promise when we fix up the house i'll make you and Reiko a big cake."

"Really?"he said smiling but the tears still slide down his face.

"Promise."I said

"Kawaii-desu,was one of the first things you said to us."I heard two voice behind me.

I turned seeing the twins grinningg at me but not with evilness with love and joy.They had deep blushes as they spoke.

"You helped us with our projects."Hikru started

"And you made us know that we weren't just the Hitachiin twins. Bu we are Kaouru and Hikaru. Two seperate people."

"I'll miss you."Hikaru sighed hugging me then letting go looking at Kaouru.I smiled at Kaouru. But Kaouru looked away.

"Kanae-senpai....I love you!"he shouted


Everyone gasped as the room went silent. Kaoru grabbed my hands.

"I thought you were cute the second you walked in and over this year i managed to fall in love with you more and more each day.But you were already in love with Takashi. I wanted to change that. I wanted you to be mine...."he sobbed

"But now your leaving and living in a house with him and I...I..."he kissed me. I wanted to pull back but i wouldn't deny his feelings so brutally. As he pulled back i sighed.

"Kaoru ,it pains me to deny your feelings."I said "But...I love Takashi. He means the world to me." I pushed back is bangs and kissed his forehead."

"You'll always be like my little brother." I smiled

He smiled sadly. "O-okay."


"Kanae."he said givng me his devilish grin

"Keep in touch."

"Yes i wil do."

That was all that needed to be said. As we left the sHost club room. I couldn't help but pity Kaoru.

"He'll find love one day."i said

"Kanae."Mori called.

"Coming Mori i said running down the hallway.

Good bye Ouran!

Good bye but this is not our final memory.

I'll be back soon. I will i promise.

"Kanae!"I heard Haruhi shout. How could i forget Haruhi.

"Good bye! Good luck!" she shouted and i smiled.


The End! T^T

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