Mermaid Types Part 2

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I wrote part 1 of this research a while ago and never finished it, so here is part 2. It'll be in a different format to the other part because I can't remember how i did that, but it'll have the same stuff.

Deep Sea Mers

Intro:Deep sea mers swim at the bottom of the sea, where it's cold and dark, and not many plant grow there due to the lack of sunlight

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Deep sea mers swim at the bottom of the sea, where it's cold and dark, and not many plant grow there due to the lack of sunlight. As a result, they have long, sharp nails and sharp teeth.

These merfolk have pale skin, due to lack of sun, and dark tails that can be dark blue, dark green, dark purple, black, or other colours like that. They might have countershading depending on how deep underwater they swim and might have neon/glowing spots on the tail to camouflage with fish like anglerfish. They will have large flukes for traveling, too and saltwater gills to breathe, as they'll be under the water for long periods of time. They'll also have webbed fingers and fins.

Not many plants grow in the deep ocean, so these mers will need to be carnivores (possibly omnivores, but most of their diet will consist of fish). They will eat deep sea fish such as lantern fish and angler fish, along with any plants down there (but there won't be many, if there is any at all). Because of this, they need exceptional hunting skills, claw like nails and sharp teeth to catch their food with.

The temperatures of the deep sea has an average of 4°c (39°f).

Tail Ideas

Tail Ideas

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