Chapter 14

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It's been 3 days since Niklaus saw Natalia when Elijah reappeared. He'd been distracted ever since. Elijah caught him several times asking him if he's okay when really he just wanted to mess with his little bro since he knew his reason why.

Klaus really couldn't stop thinking about her, moreover that she left on a not really good note with him.

It continued to the point where he mumbled her name in his sleep, Lia. It got more embarrassing when Bekah accidentally caught it when she clumsily dropped his glass - waking him up - when she was trying to steal his charger.

The thought of her being mad at him plagued his mind that he couldn't take it anymore. The fact that he also missed her just adding to the stress.

That was why he was standing in front of her apartment, chocolate in hand. The plan was to walk her to the office building for her meeting. Not too far from the hotel deal she was securing.

"Hello, love." He smiled greeted her. "I got you chocolate."

Natalia was confused. "What are you doing here?" She eyed the chocolate weirdly.

"I can't talk now. I have a meeting." She walked away.

"I know. Let me walk you there." He caught up with her, placing a hand on her back. She halted her step. "Look I really don't have time. You don't want me late to the hotel meeting, do you? What do you want?"

"Ok, then. Let's go." He walked ahead. "I just...wanted to... see you." He shrugged.


I miss you.

Fuck! What do I say?

"To..." He cleared his throat. "To talk...?"

His tone was as unconvincing as it can be. Now Natalia was weirded out. "Ok, what do you want to talk about?"

He just shrugged. "You can eat the chocolate on our way, you know."

Is he seriously dodging the question?

Ok now the level of weirdness was rocketing high. What was this guy up to?

"I'll eat it after." She answered simply. "What do you want to talk about?"

" know." He just shrugged. Natalia was confused as hell.

VENGEFUL QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [3]Where stories live. Discover now