Chapter 7

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Niklaus was sleeping with a smile on his face

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Niklaus was sleeping with a smile on his face. Machae was next door and this was the closest she had stayed these past few months.

He was on the edge of dreaming when his sensitive sense alert. He heard someone was twitching and twisting in their sleep. Their heart was beating faster with each laboured breath. He instantly wide awake when he recognized it came from Machae's room.

He sped to her room. Careful of every step, not wanting to wake her up. True to his guess, he found Machae's rumpled sheet wrinkled in her grasp. Sweating twisting around in her sleep.

Without another thought, he grabbed her hand and held her face in his hand using his Original abilities pushing happy thoughts, trying to calm her down. But instead, Machae's power were stronger and he ended up sucked into her dream.

"Who sent you?"

The man growled while choking the slightly younger Machae, pinning her to the wall.

Curiosity got the best of him. He was supposed to knock her out then interrogate.

She took the opportunity to slam her elbow to his and landed a right hook to his face.

Instantly, he released her and only took her seconds to knock him out instead.

"None of your damn business."

Machae didn't have time to take a breather since the other 3 of the guy's friends attacked her all at once.

She spinned around one of the guys before tying up the other two and bang their heads to the wall, successfully knocking them out. The other guy? A kick in the head would do.

She let out a breath before speaking to her earpiece. "Cable room secured."

Continue walking down the aisle of cables, she reached the targeted section. "Whatever room this is, is so not secured." Alex yelled through his earpiece.

Machae winced at his loudness. "Gosh, that guy weighs a ton."

"Maybe you should work out more." She teased him.

VENGEFUL QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [3]Where stories live. Discover now