Chapter 17

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Meanwhile, still in the forest at the Bayou area, Hayley was sitting against a tree as she told Elijah and Natalia what she's learned. Elijah paced anxiously while he listened while Natalia just stared at her amused.

"Klaus must have known, that's the only explanation! He could care less about the baby. He just wants her to be born so he can use her to make more sired hybrids." Hayley exclaimed angrily.

She looked at Elijah, and they shared a look before Elijah looked away, troubled by Hayley's news. Though, that didn't go unnoticed by Natalia.

"Although... the way that Dwayne was acting... it was more like he was sired to me." she continued. They both continued to think about the implications.

Hayley turned to see the amused expression on Natalia's face. "What?" she snapped.

Natalia couldn't contain it anymore. She laughed out loud. Elijah stared at her incredulously while Hayley glared murder at her, frustrated that she didn't take her seriously.

Natalia stopped immediately when she noticed no one's amused by this. "Oh I'm sorry. I thought you're joking." She said once she recovered from her laughter. "You're actually serious...I must admit you have a logical theory explanation, Hayley, minus the whole Klaus only wants his own child to be his personal bloodbag."

Elijah sighed. "I should take you home." Elijah told them, though it's more like to Hayley.

"Are you serious? Home to what?" she snapped.

"Look, regardless of my brother's intentions, mine remain the same. I said that I would protect you, even, if need be, from Klaus himself."

"I can take care of myself. I've done it for a long time." Hayley got up and walked away. After a moment, Elijah followed her.

This time it was Natalia who stared at them in disbelief. "Lijah! Seriously?"

"Don't be ridiculous, both of you!" she called them. "Look, Hayley, Klaus might be the most vindictive, manipulative, backstabbing pain the ass you ever know, but even he is not capable of such evil."

"Every father loves his child. No man can survive the guilt it carries knowing his child is harmed or worse killed by himself intentionally." She turned to Elijah. "Even Mikael. I know he was only hunting Klaus, not his own children."

"You both know Klaus is much better than his father. Elijah, you know him better than anyone else, be honest, you saw the hope and desire in him of that child." Natalia pointed to Hayley's stomach. "She is his salvation."

They both looked at each other, processing Natalia's words. Unfortunately, Natalia's phone couldn't stop buzzing. She groaned internally and rolled her eyes. "Think about it." she told them both. "Hayley, I see you are safe now with Elijah. I gotta go to Marcel now before he starts his endless rant to me because I actually have his vampires to teach right now." She said before vamping away.

VENGEFUL QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [3]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя