Chapter 5

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After getting a wake-up call from Rebekah, she insisted I came with her to meet the witch Sophie Deveraux. So here we are, Bekah, Sophie and I talking while walking among the burial vaults of the cemetery.

"So, if I had to guess, knowing Klaus's history, Elijah has a dagger in his chest. It's a magical object, you're a witch. Do a locator spell, locate the dagger, locate Elijah." Bekah said to Sophie.

"I can't use magic. It's punishable by death – Marcel's rules." Sophie refused. "Your rule as well if I recall correctly." Sophie glared at me.

"I let the witches do magic in their territory." I glared back at her. "Clearly my mercy is underrated." I sighed satisfied as I swallowed another one of a good rum.

Bekah whipped her head to her. "Marcel? What do you think I'm going to do to you if you don't give me what I want?"

"Not much." She answered daringly. "I've been linked, so anything you do to me, you do to Hayley."

"Who?" Bekah asked blankly. Sophie and I gave her a look. "The baby mama." I said.

"Oh, right the mumzy." She shook her head. "Well, luckily for you, Elijah seems to care about her, otherwise I'd break your neck right here."

Then I realized something. "Wait, I'm linked to a pregnant woman?" I asked Sophie. Bekah seemed to have just realized that too.

"Yes." She answered. But I saw her twitch. I could tell she was lying.

I stepped closer to her as she backed off. "You dare lying to me, witch?" my voice went dark.

She seemed to realize her mistake. "Ok ok, you're not linked. What my sister performed was a hereditary spell but it was one-way link. So, you're link to me only. Whatever Hayley's feeling, I feel it. But whatever I feel, you both will feel it. And whatever happen to you, happen to me only."

I smiled pleased at her confession and took my stand back with Bekah. "What about you?" Bekah turned to me. "You're now a witch. She can teach you how to do the locator spell. Why didn't I think of this last night?"

"Marcel might be able to tell when she uses magic and still have him fooled of the source but even then, she can't." Sophie answered before I could. "She can't do it even if she wants to." Sophie backed up her explanation. "Her power is destructive magic, some called it chaos magic. It's different from ours." She said with a disgusted tone.

"Mind you it's also the best protection magic." I glared at her. I still can use magic as long as he didn't know I used it.

Bekah sighed and looked away. "How did Marcel get so bloody powerful, anyway? He wasn't like this when I left a hundred years ago." Bekah asked her.

VENGEFUL QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [3]Where stories live. Discover now