Except for a few exceptions, of course.


"I have katsudon," Semi said, walking into the empty ward.

Almost empty.

"You know me too well" Shirabu said, smiling and sitting up in his bed "Too bad I can't eat any" 

"I'm an idiot," Semi said pinching his nose

"I could've told you that. Don't starve yourself. You can eat it, I don't mind." Shirabu said, genuine in tone and closing his eyes

But Semi didn't feel hungry anymore. He set the bag aside, and looked up at Shirabu instead only to see him staring at him.

"What? I wasn't hungry anyways." Semi said idly



"You went to see my mom didn't you?" Shirabu said

"No. I mean- no. What did she say? " Semi said, raising his eyebrow

"You're hilarious." Shirabu said monotonously. "I wanted to thank you. She said you helped her come to terms with her decision or something. You didn't have to do that,"

"Guess I never told her to not tell you. But yeah, I just went to give her some support. I kno-knew what it felt like to deal with someone who didn't want to go through the pain of treatment" Semi said, reminiscing about his mother's obstinate nature.

"Do you like flowers?" Semi asked randomly

"No. I also hate the way wards look when they have a bunch of flowers in them. Especially roses." Shirabu said judgingly, yawning in doing so.

"Wow." Semi said, laughing to himself. He noticed something scrunched up under the hospital pillow, and gestured towards it.

"What's that?" he asked, his interest piqued 

"Nothing," Shirabu said, trying to hide it quickly. But Semi was faster. He straightened it out, but stopped as he saw Shirabu's expression. 

"If you're gonna cry I wont read whatever this is," Semi said, rolling his eyes and handing it back to him

"No, no. I was gonna show you at some point. Read it. But I swear to God if you laugh-

"-alright, chill," Semi said, chuckling softly as he straightened the piece of paper out and cleared his throat before reading out the contents aloud.

"𝟙𝟘 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕚 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖

· -wants to find a cure for cancer (HAHA :S)

Semi's voice cracked as Shirabu erupted in raspy laughter.

· -want to try paella

· -want to watch all of the marvel movies in one sitting

· -want to learn a new skill of any kind at a good level

· -want to go slow dancing

· -want to dye his hair a stupid colour

· -want to graduate

· -want a relationship

· -want a first kiss

· -want someone to write a song for him and play it in front of the world"

The last one looked more scribbly, like it was a new addition. Semi bit the inside of his lip, as he stifled a noise.

"You asshole I told you not to laugh," Shirabu pouted

"No it's just- this seems pretty cliché coming from a guy who 'hates roses'" Semi laughed 

"Yeah, yeah. I don't actually want them all to come true because that would be an ultimate cliché. I probably want about 3 or maybe 4. But even that would be cliché because then it's the whole 'he never got his happy ending crap-

"-do you ever give yourself a damn migraine? You remind me of my mother, never shutting up about clichés" Semi said, his hand resting on his forehead.

"Shut up," Shirabu said, childishly

"But a relationship? Didn't take you for the kind. And why is it on your bucket list? It's not like you haven't had one before," Semi said massaging his shoulder which was cramping from the uncomfortable hospital seat

A pregnant pause passed

"No way..." Semi said, giggling 

"You're the worst person alive." Shirabu said, hiding under the covers

"Don't hide from this. Come one I was kidding, it just surprised me that's all," Semi said

Shirabu emerged from the covers, a light blush painting his paler face. Semi tried not to notice how he was looking paler day by day, but it was getting harder to ignore something so obvious.

"I meant it's not really the most important one there for me anyways. They aren't meant to be realistic- I dunno really. I never allowed myself to be impractical. It's quite fun I guess" Shirabu said, a blissful expression in his eyes

"Took you this long to realise you don't always have to be an emotionless prick huh?" Semi laughed

"Anddd you ruined it," Shirabu said rolling to the other side closing his eyes

"Hey come on loser. Oi, don't be a baby. Open your eyes" Semi laughed

Shirabu huffed but couldn't hide the smile on his face. He did want to open his eyes, but he was exhausted, As much as he wanted to keep talking to Semi, he just wanted to get some rest now.

"I'll come back tomorrow. You're in for a surprise" Semi said, muttering the last part under his breath

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