Chapter 58 The Forge of the Gods

Start from the beginning

Lyse looked back to the waiting men and heard some of what they talked about. He does not blame their hesitance; it took all he had to keep from shaking, remembering the feel from that power he had felt striking the god. He still had a shortsword, though he doubts it'll fair much better. Besides, time was not on their side at this moment. The dread and panic in his mind knowing that the god draws closer and closer to his goal, haunted him like no specter. They needed to stop him.

"Gather around now," Moxie shouted. The winds were quite timid this day as if they had been terrified into submission by the god himself. So her words carried far and amplified y experience. Moxie had a very commanding demeanor, not too dissimilar to when Lyse first saw his aunt in Hiras. They did so as told, silently moving along till they had all gathered before the four. Everyone looked like beaten dogs, despite taking no physical punishment. The cold was biting at them once more, the unaccommodating weather o foreign to most of them. Moxie saw this and sighed. "I know, I know. You have just witnessed something worth shitting your pants over. Most of you probably didn't want to be here anyway, and the others are most certainly second-guessing. Except for you, Ralia. We have sailed these seas for nearly a decade together, most of us, and we all have seen some of the worst of this world, so you know that this is something far beyond been that."

"So are we leaving, captain?" one of the crewmen asked, followed y a drone of similar questions."

"No." she went on. "Unfortunately, that choice is befallen to me. That choice will put many of your lives in danger. Some of you may not return from this last march." She chuckled after those words. "But what else is new? The ravens, Dragon turtles, Sea Dragons, and Pirates. What else is new to us, besides the constancy of death that trails our ship our home? These seas are unforgiving, and so too the land itself. And I can only ask you one thing, and that is to follow me into the dangers further."

"But . . . captain," Another of the crewman walked forth. "This ain't like the times before. We always had a chance with what we wanted, and if the worst came, we ran."

"Do you want to run now, Glenn?" she asked him.

"You know us, ma'am," he said with an assured smile. "We follow you. We put out lives in your hands. We ain't wondering about abandoning you; we want to make sure you yourself know the temperature of the water before you jump in."

"Ist that so?" Moxie grinned, turning to Lyse. "Well, knight. Is that satisfactory t you?"

"I am grateful to you," Lyse said. "I can't ask any more of your captain or you except to follow me the rest of this way. Let's show this thing what a bunch of humans can do. Let's show him."

"You seem pretty hopeful, knight," Tug said up to Lyse with a small smile. "Despite being handled like a child by this . . . thing. Are you sure you are up to the challenge?"

Lyse smiled down at Tug and then held out his hand towards him. "Hand me a sword."

Tug looked a bit confused for a moment but complied, nodding to Ralia. She took one of the two sabers strapped to her side and tossed it up to him. He grasped it and made a grand flourish, lighting the sword up with aura as he did so. It wasn't nearly as good as his previous blade, but it will have to do. He still carried what was left of it in his sheath. He took a breath and then looked back down at the waiting faces to hear his reply to Tug. Tug is a wise man. They all were. Despite his status, they see his hesitation. Despite his stature, they see what they have all experienced. He was still new, and he was merely a student of the battle. But he is also willing to learn. And he was done hesitating. Hesitating to save people, hesitating to do what he knows is the only option. Hesitating to choose who he will be.

"I am prepared to do what needs to be done," Lyse finally said.

"Yes," Moxie said. "And I will not say that I am without fear, but that doesn't matter to me, and it sure as hell does not matter to you all, does it? Now, enough of these speeches. Let's kill ourselves a god. eh?"

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