Chapter 53 The Camp

Start from the beginning

"So things haven't changed, huh?"

"Well, let's just say I don't handle alcohol very well with this pendant on," he tapped the pendant that sat beneath his layers. "It's like it lessens my tolerance so that I can get drunk faster."

"You never held yours well," Edlund scoffed. "I drink you under the table every time."

"Be careful," Makyra said. "Users of that pendant can also cause nasty effects to others, you know."

"Right, like Lyse, would ever . . ." he frowned, looking at the mischievous grin on Lyse's face as they pushed aside the flaps on Moxie's tent. "Oh, blow off. Anyway, this better be something good."

Moxie's tent was rather large and roomy. Not too large to become basically a giant cold box, but they were comfortable. It was clear that she had the better equipment out of them all, the tent fabric thicker and more resistant, and the floor covered in a carpet of sorts. Rolled-up fabric lined the bottom, and a long thin beam punctured the top to allow some airflow. It was a rather luxurious setup she had, and they wondered where she stored all of this. She even had a small bucket of snow and ice with two bottles sitting in the middle of the room, next to a lantern set up nearby. She was already pouring a drink, and from the rosy tone in her cheeks, she may be a few drinks in already.

"About time you guys showed up," she took out several more small glasses to pour drinks in. "We just had our lives dangle on a thread; it's about time to celebrate."

"Well, you're in worst shape than us, Moxie," Edlund said, sitting across from her and taking the bottle to inspect it, reading the label. "Dru Poppy Spirits. Never heard of it."

"Of course you haven't, you bumpkin," Moxie snatched the bottle away with her free hand. "Nice old brewery back in Hath. Brought the good stuff. Not too strong for you younger ones, but it'll be nice to have some company after . . . you know."

"How uncharacteristically compassionate of you, Moxie," Lyse said as he sat along with Makyra. They all took a glass, and Moxie began pouring them all a small drink to get them started. Lyse inspected his glass carefully. "You always seem so ready and prepared for literally anything. When the Makhai boarded your ship on a literal dragon, you still showed no sign of panic."

"Believe me, we've seen a whole lot worse as guardians," she chuckled. "Though, I must say that I could have lived without experiencing losing an arm. Thanks again, sister."

"Don't mention it," Makyra downed her drink as soon as it was poured. Edlund followed suit as Lyse hesitantly took a sip. It had a mild sweetness to it. The more the wine lingered on his tongue the more he knew about it. The grapes were harvested not long into the summer, ripe but not properly picked. It wasn't well aged, given a bit more time the flavor could become more pungent. It wasn't his choice taste. But in all, he wasn't a maddened drunkard just yet.

"So," Makyra went on. "we came here to start planning. We'll be at the site within the week. but the god will likely make their way straight here, probably even earlier."

"If I had infinite stamina, there'd be no point in waiting," Lyse agreed. "At the speeds, the average knight can run at least, he'll actually make it there concurrent if not before us. I can't imagine what these gods will be like, I doubt they sleep. They sure do hit hard as well."

"So we need to cut him off then," Edlund took another full shot from his small glass, grunting at this attempt, however, and his voice became hoarse. Lyse wasn't even a quarter through his drink, and now he felt the effects. He could barely keep a straight thought. "Yeah. Cut him off. I don't want to fight him where he is familiar and could possibly draw more power. Hopefully, we can just restrain him. You said that if the plithos is not suitable, the Plithos would simply decay, right Makyra?"

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