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B. B.

My eyes glanced down and my wrist rised up before getting closer to my tired eye sight. I took a deep, exhausted breath before taking a closer look at the numbers on my black wrist watch. In a matter of seconds I caught myself realising that my awaited break has officially started. It was about fucking time. I honestly got a bit tired and worn out from being in a standing position all the time.

The loud thumps of my heavy leather boots covered in nothing but pitch black echoed through the space full of quiet chats, walking sounds and thick air, making it obvious that I was walking away from the metal prison bars. In no time I was spotting a single empty chair in the hallway. I made sure I reached it and slowly relaxed my body by sitting on it.

I felt my hands getting in contact with tightened strands of my hair as I pulled a tie that was wrapped around my high ponytail, making my hair become a bit more loose. A high ponytail was never a hairstyle that I was qualified for dealing with, since it caused me headaches because it was too tight for my head. But then again, I was not allowed to wear my hair down, so in order to get to work on time, I found a high ponytail as my only choice.

Soon enough I sensed a person's presence on my right. My head turned to the side and my eyes met the familiar light ocean blue ones. I guess I should've expected him keeping me company right now. He would do it every day and I would absolutely appreciate it every single time.

"Hello there." He smiled while leaning on the wall next to him with his arms crossed. A dark blue shirt, black pants and leather boots covered his body, completely matching my uniform.

"Hi, Alex." I let out with a small grin before reaching into the pocket of my pants and pulling out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.

My hands opened it up and grabbed a single cigarette from the box, holding it in between my index and middle finger. I also took my crimson lighter and carefully examined as a small flame rised up from the top of the lighter, allowing me to light up the cigarette.

"You do realise that smoking is forbidden in here, right?" I heard Alex question me. He would do it every time he would see me smoke in here. It caused me to figure out just how much he cares about rules. Especially at this prison.

"I do. I don't care." My answer was simple, clear, short and probably said for the hundredth time. "Alright." Alex gave in with warnings before grabbing an empty chair and sitting right next to me.

A cigarette hanged between my lips as I breathed in the smoke and let it out soon after. My elbows rested on my thighs with my legs widely spread. I didn't feel like starting a long conversation. I needed this break to last in complete silence. Just me, my cigarette and my wandering thoughts.

Alex seemed to be aware of that, because he just sat next to me in complete silence. His body was leaning back on the chair, his arms were crossed. He was staring at the opposite wall and being completely silent.

I honestly liked this. It was the comfortable silence that was able to become present between the two of us. We've been friends and coworkers for such a long time and it became normal for us to just be quiet and appreciate each other's company.

In my ears rang the sound that broke the peace I was longing for. A deep male voice of another policeman echoed through the space in a monotone manner. "Ms. Bella Backster, please immediately visit Mr. Roberts' office. I repeat, Ms. Bella Backster to Mr. Roberts' office."

My mind was caught off guard by this. Me visiting Roberts' office was a quite rare sight to behold. I can't even remember when was the last time I've been there.

A curse fell off of my lips before I pressed the cigarette on the cement ground and rubbed it so it would burn out. I threw it in the trash can nearby and started walking further through the hallways in order to find the door that led to the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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