A Light Supper part two

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"Victoria" Five said, but I kept my attention towards Reginald, choking his harder, making his face grow purple.

"Victoria, stop!" Allison tried to stop me, but I didn't stop. "Victoria, no!" Luther shook my shoulders, but I just put my hand near his face, almost freezing his head as he quickly stepped away.

"Say sorry" I demanded, looking at Reginald with a serious look. "S-s-o-o-" he tried to choke out while looking at me.

"Not to me, to him" I pointed my head to Diego. I loosened my grip just a little for him to turn his head towards Diego.

"S-s-oo-o-rr-y" he choked out. But I didn't let him go. I thought of all the things that he said to me, how he ruined my life and childhood.

"Victoria, stop, he said sorry" Allison tried to stop me again. "Victoria" Diego tried to shake my shoulders, just like Luther did.

Vanya tapped her glass again, and made the other fruit bowl explode, making me stop choking Reginald and having fruit on me, again.

I looked back at Reginald as saw him wheezing, trying to get air in his lungs as soon as possible, while the rest just looks at me with wide eyes.

"What? Are you all gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna make a deal with the devil?" I snapped, pointing my head at Reginald.

Just when they all were gonna say something, Five interrupted when Reginald finally stopped trying to get air in his lungs.

"Look, forget about the president. We have a catastrophic war coming in five days. We need to figure out how to stop it" Five told Reginald.

"War?" Reginald asked, his voice breaking by the lack of air earlier.

"Men will always be at war with each other" Reginald told him, glancing at me every two seconds to make sure I didn't choke him again.

"No, this isn't just some war" Five tried to explain to him. "I'm talking about a doomsday. The end of the world" he clarified.

"Well... you're the special ones, aren't you? Why don't you band together and do something about it?" He asked us like it was obvious.

"All right, screw this" I heard Ben's voice say all of the sudden.

Klaus lifted his arms up like he was possessed, shaking and choking. "Is he having a seizure?" Allison asked us.

"Overdose probably" Diego muttered. "Should we do something?" Luther asked us.

"Klaus!" Five whisper yelled at him. "Now is not the time. What are you doing?" Five asked annoyed.

Klaus shakingly turned his head towards Reginald. "I'm..." he croaked out. "Out with it, boy" Reginald told him impatiently. "Ben!" Klaus croaked out.

Then, Klaus fell to the ground, panting like he had just ran a mile.

"Well..." Reginald began, taking his attention off Klaus who was still on the ground, panting.

"Thank you for coming" he said with a fake smile and grabbed his stuff, standing up from his chair and began to leave.

"I've seen about enough" he walked away from the table. Luther all of the sudden slammed his fists on the table and stood up.

He ripped his button up open, revealing his monkey like chest, making Reginald stop in his tracks with a blank face.

"Look at what you did to me!" He yelled at him, making Allison almost spit out her drink.

"Look at it!" He pointed towards his chest. "Oh my god" I muttered, gulping my wine at the stress these seven gave me.

"Oh, shit, why" Five whined quietly. Reginald blinked at him and then turned his attention towards Five.

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