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Ugh... Im too old for this. The girl thought to herself as she was keeping an eye on this little girl jumping around her. How'd she get this deep into the forest too?? She found me faster than any of her ancestors. She chuckled to herself. "Look look!" The woman looked at what the child was showing to her. "I found a scorpion!" 

"You are really brave huh kid? Arent you scared to be away from your family?" She asked the child. The child looked down as she threw the scorpion away. 

"My family is scary.. They are teaching me abt the super naturals in this world. I ran here to prove them wrong! but i got lost instead... sorry for bothering miss.. What about you miss? What are you doing in this forest? Where are your family?" The child asked as the woman looked at her with a hint of disgust in her eyes. 

"Me?.. I dont have a family." The child looked sad down her feet. "This forest is my home." The child stayed speechless.

"Wheres your house??" She asked.

"This very forest." The woman answered. There was a long silence as the child now felt uneasy. "What super naturals does your family teach you?" The woman asked. 

"Oh about-" Before the kid could continue she was cut off by a man shouting. 

"BYUL!" The man screamed the child's name. "Stay away from her monster!!" He continued

"Monster??" Byul looked at the woman now looking at her father. "Dad what are you sayin-"

"Byul! come here now!"  The man took out his pistol and aimed it at the woman, Byul watched in fear as the women suddenly moved faster than a blink of an eye. Byulyi ran to her fathers arms as she saw the woman's face clearer. "Kim Yongsun. The last of the vampire royalty." Her father spoke out making Byulyi gasp in fear.

"Moon Daeji. The 4th generation of the family who couldnt catch me. Its almost been 400 hundred years. When will you ever kill me?" The woman smiled, making Byul catch a glimpse of her sharp fangs. "Anyways. I was just looking after your little cutie, making sure she didnt get hurt."

The man clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Dont come near my daughter."

"I didnt. She did." Yongsun said making the man annoyed even more. "Please do come back and try to kill me again Daeji, my encounter with your ancestors has been very fun."

"Dont be so cocky. My ancestors killed your family once. We will be able to kill you too." Yongsun smiled at him and looked over at Byulyi, whose face was shocked. She hummed in a cocky tone as a response, she turned around towards the forest.

"See you soon Daeji." And just like that she disappeared in thin air. Byulyi couldnt believe what she had seen. Super naturals did exist and she just spoke to one. 

After the conversation exchanged between her father and the woman, she thought that her father and her had long history. She happened to know her ancestors too. Her father said that her ancestors were the ones who killed Yongsun's family, making Byul sad, she wondered who really were the bad guys.. 

Her father walked away from the forest with a mad expression on his face. Byul felt bad and scared to talk to her father for disobeying his orders. "What were you doing with her?" Her father finally spoke. She looked down and fiddled with her hands. 

"She found me and stopped me from going any further in the forest... She was telling the truth dad, she was just looking out for me while we waited for you to get me." He dad looked at her unbelievingly, "Im not lying!"

"Thats just part of her schemes. She may be kind to you earlier but stay away from her. She is a dangerous creature. Her kind shouldnt be living amongst us in the human world." Her dad said. But Byulyi just couldnt understand why. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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