That's me.

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"I cant believe you. A fucking video game over me?" She shouted through the phone. "I stood here like an idiot for almost an hour!!" The girl on the other line sat there in silence as she gulped. "We're done. I cant do this anymore Byul ah."

"Im sorry.." She inwardly facepalmed herself for being so stupid. She had forgotten about the date Krystal had planned the week before, all because she was so focused in levelling her character in the videogame. "Im so sorry, Krystal.."

"Sorry wont cut it.. you've done this multiple times already.. Im not risking being disappointed again. Im sorry Byul I did very much love you. But this.. us.. doesnt work. I hope you understand." She said in a sad voice.

Byul sighed slowly. "I understand.. goodbye.."


They hung up and Byul stared at the ceiling, still inwardly scolding herself as she didnt mean to leave her like that. She banged her hand on her desk, hitting a few keys on her keyboard. Their relationship didnt even last two months, it meant alot to Byul even tho it didnt seem like it. She sat there in silence in front of her computer screen. She covered her eyes and cried a little.

Im so stupid.. I couldnt even show her the picture yet... She thought. She looked at her desk, a small frame stood, a picture she found somewhere when she was still a kid. She couldnt remember where she got it. After an unfortunate accident in her childhood she had forgotten half of her memory, as well as developed ADHD and short term memory loss. All she knew was that picture meant special to her.

It was a picture of a small girl smiling. She looked alot like Krystal, she thought she finally found who it was but they broke up now, she doesnt know what to do..

"Ayo Star? Are you crying?" A girl called out from her game. "You're mic unmuted when something hit your table or something- it was hella loud haha" Byul sat up straight and looked at her screen, "Is everything alright?"

"Ah.. Sorry about that.. Also im not crying haha, dont worry." She replied.

"Alright then. Cmon The Guild master is calling a meeting on how to defeat the final boss! I was waiting up for you." She said, making Byul smile. She typed on some keys on her keyboard making her character move along with her friend.

"Okay okay im coming."

They played for hours trying to take down the boss of the level. They failed at the end of it and Byulyi had to excuse herself as it was already late at night and that she needed to sleep since she still has school the day after. She stood up from her chair and took her headphones off. She was still sad about the whole break up but she was thankful to be playing with her guildmates to take her mind of it.

She went to her bathroom to wash up. As she got done her phone rang to a familiar user ID. She answered it with a smile on her face. "Heyy What's up?" She answered.

"The ceiling" She replied back making Byulyi show an annoyance face though the other couldnt see it. The girl chuckled through the phone making Byulyi chuckle along with her. "AnYwAYYS, i wanted to ask what happened earlier.. I've been worried."

"It's nothing Solar.. Dont worry about it." She responded with a dead tone which only got the other girl more anxious.

"You suddenly went off without tell me and the first thing i hear after 10 whole minutes is a bANG and you crying softly. Ofc i'd be worried. Im your friend.." She said trying to get ther other to talk to her about her feelings, trying to reassure her that she's there for her.

Byul sighed at last and decided to just tell her. "Finneeee.. My girlfriend broke up with me.. Thats all.." There was a silence for a few seconds on the line "Oy helloooo?? Earth to Solar?? Solarrr do you copy?"

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