Chapter 2: Lindsay the Leech

Começar do início




“When you wake up in the morning, it's quarter to one

And you want to have a little fun

You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

When you wake up in the morning, it's quarter to two

And you want to find something to do

You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch

You brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch” I sang while brushing my teeth.

“What the hell are you singing?” I heard Parker yell from behind my bathroom door

“A song” I yelled back and I heard him laugh while walking away

I stepped in the shower and rinsed myself in my usual sweet pea soap. Ya know what? I’m changing the name of this thing. Now let’s try that again. I stepped in the shower and rinsed myself in my usual fresh flower soap. Yeah, that’s better. I jump out of the shower and wrap myself in my towel. After drying myself I put on a pair of tartan shorts, a white tank top and a grey sweater. I ran a comb through my hair and walked downstairs.

“Hey mom, what are you making today?” I asked her from behind and she glanced over her shoulder.

“Pancakes” she stated simply

“YAY!” I yelled and jumped up. I loved my mom’s pancakes. I’m so happy I woke up early today.

“Eat that bowl of grapefruit on the table first” she said sternly and I looked at the table and grimaced at the sight of grapefruit. I hated grapefruit. I tasted bitter, nasty and overall disgusting. Gross.

“But mom” I whined and she looked at me and narrowed her eyes

“Eat that grapefruit Missy!” she said

“Anything but that. I’ll eat the oatmeal again” I suggested

“NO” she deadpanned and I groaned

“Ok” I said sadly and walked over to the table. My dad was there already and he had a bowl of grapefruit in front of him too. My dad hated grapefruit also, so he feels my pain. Dad was just staring down the grapefruit probably hoping it would disappear. If only. My dad looked up and frowned at me.

“I know” I whispered and looked down at my bowl

“For the pancakes” I said firmly picked up a piece and put it in my mouth.

“Ew” I said to myself and I wanted to throw up.

My Brother's My Mate?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora