"I would do it but my wolf-." Aiden started to say when Cyrus interrupted him.

"There a really no excuses for this Aiden, just think about it very well because before you know you will lose my cousin and she will go off with someone who really loves her and wants to be with her no matter what the terms are." Cyrus told him in a firm tone.

"Are you insinuating that I don't love her?" Aiden asked him, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Not at all Alpha, but I'm just saying that you really have to do your move before someone else does, a pretty girl like Skye won't stay here forever without a commitment." Cyrus said before he started to walk towards the house leaving Aiden there alone in the middle of the backyard with his thoughts.


"So are things clear for you Skyler?" Her father asked her for the fifth time through the phone.

Skye gave a sigh.

"Yes father, I understand and I will live up to see that I don't let you down." Skye told him already tired of this overprotective behavior.

"You won't let me down; I just think that you are too young to become a mother." Her father said and Skye would be embarrassed for talking about this with her father but the anger she felt at the moment was enough to avoid any awkwardness by boarding the subject.

'Don't worry dad you have nothing to worry about, if you think that Aiden and I are constantly burning up in passion you are utterly wrong.' Skye thought bitterly as she recalled last night events.

"I know and I agree with you." Skye said as she lay down on the bed and gazed at the ceiling.

"And before I forget Skyler, Jace called." Her father said knowing that Skye had yet not known about this since she did not bring it up.

Skye tensed up before she sat up quickly.

"What? He called you?" Skye asked him not quite believing it.

"Yes, he gave up on calling you since you never seem to answer him. Why are you avoiding him Skyler, you do know that you are hurting him by doing that?" Her father asked her, why was his daughter acting like this now?

Skye gave a sigh and got up.

"Please dad don't you make me feel guilty as well." Skye said as she started to pace the room.

"Then tell me why have you been ignoring his calls and his text messages, he would really like to speak to you. This is the longest time both of you have been separated." Her father told her, ever since he could remember they were always together.

"I'm just afraid that he will be angered at me for the decision I took, that he will hate me for that." Skye said in a soft voice knowing that there was a chance that Jace wouldn't forgive her for that.

"But why would Jace hate you, he loves you and you know that very well Skye, he would do anything for you." Her father told her in a calm voice.

"Exactly that is the point I'm trying to prove here, dad, if I speak with him I know that I won't be able to keep anything from him. Jace knows me very well and he will know that something wrong is going on, that this whole Nigel thing is affecting me now just like it was before, he will want to come here to look for me and try to drag me back to the UK and you know I cannot let that happen, I can't let Jace come here because by doing that he will be risking his life for me, he has done it before and that resulted with me almost losing him and I cannot let that happen again. What type of person would I be if I let the people I love the most get hurt?" Skye asked him, she could still see that night when Jace had gotten badly injured when they were assaulted by all those vampires.

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